Beating myself up . . .


Because I feel like crap and I don't want to workout. I shouldn't feel this way because I have been fighting a cold all week and I have a terrible headache. But I am just giving in and I'm not going to the gym tonight. Makes me feel like a failure though :(
Hey Ivory, well, if you still have time to go... I can tell you one thing that made me remember to go even when I'm not in the mood (but if you're too sick, don't stress your body anymore than it is right now) I think of how great I feel after I have done my workout, even if my workout was not as intense as normal. Well, I hope that gave you a little boost in the right direction!;-) :7 You can do it! Hang in there with that nagging cold it'll pass soon!:D Get a good night's rest too!:)
You are sick. Don't go to the gym. REST. Being sick is not an "excuse" not to work out. It's a VERY GOOD reason! Don't be so hard on yourself. The more you rest, the quicker you will get better and then you can work out all the harder!:+
You shouldn't work out if any of your symptoms are below the neck, involve sinuses or involve a temperature. So any achey muscles, chills, sinus pressure, chest stuff,'re doing WAY MORE HARM than good. You could force the virus into something worse. Also, it is VERY hard on your heart.

If it's a head cold and you have no temperature and you feel up to it, a light easy workout is o.k. Beyond that, rest is best!
Don't feel like a failure. I've been fighting a cold, too, and had a few days when I just couldn't work out. Yesterday I went so far as to do the warm up of Interval Step, then realized I was just to knockered to do it, so I stopped and put everything away and took a nice hot bath. I feel a lot better today and was able to get in a light workout, but I'm convinced had I worked out yesterday I'd still be down. We get sick for a reason - our body is fighting a disease - you're already burning calories and getting a workout that way - let your antibodies do the work for one or two days... HUGS - hope you're feeling better soon.
Thanks all. I took off last night, but had a fantastic wo tonight with some personal bests. So the night off really did help.

Thanks for the support.
Being a very obsessive type, I VERY rarely will not exercise because I don't feel 100% - BUT this week I took it easy because on Saturday, when I was still fighting a sinus-related condition that made me feel like crap, I stopped in the middle of MIC because I felt light headed and drained of energy. Calorie-burn be darned, I took that warning to mean I should take it easy, and have all week. Now I'm feeling better, and will hit it hard today. I did NOT feel guilty, which is rare for me - age, maybe?

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