Beach Body DVDs


So, I know that we all sweat by Cathe, but I am looking to expand my DVD collection (I've exhausted everything from Cathe). Can anyone tell me if they would recommend anything on Beach Body? I already have P90X (not as intense as I wanted, but easily modified for more intensity) so I'm asking are any of these DVDs/series worth the money?

P90X Plus
CheaLean Extreme
One on One with Tony Horton
Power 90 Masters Series
Turbo Jam Fat Burning Extreme
Turbo Jam Maximum Results

Thanks in advance for your help!

I have P90X Plus and think it's a great program. It shouldn't be a problem for you since you're so strong. Like P90X, this also has many different kinds of pullups. The cardio workouts are 40 mins. each. The upper body and total body workouts are great - more endurance though. Abs/Core + is a really great workout. 20 minutes worth of standing, sitting, lying and hanging moves. The hanging moves were the most challenging for me. I never did a whole rotation with them but I liked them. The only thing missing was no leg workout. Interval X Plus has three different intervals for each move. I forget how many moves there were but you do one set of them and then they all get repeated. Tony is not quite as chatty in these. There are only two background exercisers, Mark and Tracy who both look fantastic.

I don't have any of the others but I do believe P90X+ is worth the money.

pushup handle bars are used in p90x+ the first excerise,chest,you take out 2 chairs facing each other with space between and do push up and swing your legs through for tricept dip.1 1/2 minutes long.then pullups,shoulders,bi,tri.i also like the spiderman pushups and L chinups.the abs are hanging on the pull up bar,stand,plank,and siti dont have the other instructorsp90x is alot of fun to me.

I personally LOVE P90X Plus, I am always feeling sore a day after these workuts. Like you I have a ton of Cathe dvd's and needed something else. I also started AOS Kettlebell workouts. Turbo Jam is Fun for awhile, nut I quickly lost interest in them, that being said id accentuate all the movements you will get sore. I like The first Turbo Jam and punch kick and jam.
another vote for X+


I did a full 90 days of X+ and just loved every minute of it. It is so effective and so much fun. It's got lots of great moves. It's difficult in a deceptive way, but I don't know that it's harder than p90X. I used it in conjunction with running and it worked great for me.

I am in week 3 of ChaLean Extreme and I am already stronget. I can lift a LT more than I have ever in the past. The scale is the same so far, but I am leaner and as I said...stronger!

It is a very fun, very different way to train and I am loving it so far!

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