BC/ME Premix.......


is such an awesome workout! I was reading Amy's thread about DVD vs. video and she mentioned a couple of times what a good workout the BC/ME Bonus was so I tried it and it's excellent! I don't know if it was just me the day I did it, but it seemed really tough. For those of you that have done it, do you find it pretty challenging?
Kudo's to Cathe again for her genius work. And thanks, Amy for mentioning yet another great Cathe w/o.:7:D:7:D
Sherry http://www.gif-seite.de/vorschaubilder/smilies/laola.gif

I really enjoy this workout as well. Haven't done it in a while, but I remember I liked the challenge and felt invigorated after doing it!
Yes, this is good. A little more legs and and less cardio and upper body than Boot Camp by itself, but pretty similar.
Are there abs in this premix? If so, are they divided like in BC? And, how long is the whole thing?

Thanks to anyone for answering!
Hey everyone! I too LOVE the BC/ME Bonus workout. I haven't done it in a while, but remeber it to be fun and challenging!

Connie, the whole workout is about 1 hour and 8 minutes. The abs are from ME right at the end of the workout before the stretch. It is not split up like in the BC workout. Here is the breakdown:
Cardio Jacks - BC
Squats - BC
Back Barbell Upright Rows - BC
Deadlifts - ME
Deadrow BB Clean & Press - ME

Cardio Sumo Squats - BC
Static Lunges - BC
Leg Press (2 sets of 12) - ME
Static Lunges - ME
Bicep Curls - ME

Cardio Sequential kicks - BC
Front & Side Kicks - BC
Military Press - BC
Rear Delt Raises - ME

Cario Kickbox - BC
Pile Squats - BC
Leg Press (one set of 16 & one set of 12) - ME
Squats - ME
Tricep Dips - ME
Tricep Kickbacks - ME
Chest Flies - ME
Pushups - BC
Abs - ME
Stretch - ME
I notice the subject line says "Premix" - Is it the bonus workout or the pre-mix.


I tried it and did it. It was good- lower body oriented with 2 lunge sections. Cardio too, and UB, and nice ME abs. A good all around workout!
I just love that "Bonus Combo" -- you know, at first I ignored it. I saw no description of what it was or anything.

I had no idea of what was in it -- I was very pleasantly surprised. It is mostly weights from Muscle Endurance, but there are enough cardio sequences in it until you feel your heart pumping!

It is now one of my "regulars" on my rotations.
I did this yesterday after reading tis thread. Thanks for the suggestion. I liked it as a way to get in another day of full body lifting with cardio. My heart rate stayed up for what felt like most of the workout, except abs.
Personally, I found the push ups to be challenging at the end of the workout, and right after the chest flys.
It will be a workout I put in periodically.

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