<- - - -bbrrrrrrr rabbit!

<---dances in, snapping fingers and shuffling feet
<---tells Shelley to listen to some of her favorite tunes and maybe she will feel better
<---says maybe one piece of chocolate will help
<---blushes at Missy's suggestion that <---is cool
<---was always flattered when DD's friends thought <---was cool and DH was scary
<---never had a hot teacher
<---DD had a cute English teacher though
<---is out of here for the day
<---waves bye bye to all
<---tomarrow has to work in the small room with much work and no computer
<---will be waiting for commandos to come help <---escape
<---loves escaping to Catheland
<---off to home and Lo Max follow by Cranberry Amerretto Pound Cake Max that <---is making for co workers b-day
<--- waves by to Robin!
<--- gets stealth rescue gear ready for tomorrow
<--- thinks she needs the recipe for Amaretto Cranberry Pound Cake
<--- needs a nap *snore*
<--is REALLY, REALLY craving chocolate
<--is popping chewable Vitamin C wafers to stop chocolate cravings
<--admits ^^ isn't working at all
<--wants to go home and is bored here at work
<--- sends the huge box of assorted Lindt chocolate that she has in her desk to Laura
<--- only has 45 more minutes of work
<----is trying to keep up with todays thread
<----sends {{{hugs}}}} to all Cathe-ites whether they are happy, sad, mad, sick or in-between:+ :+
<----loves roses
<----is also getting very stressed about xmas
<----needs to really do something about all things xmas
<----says tomorrow is another day
<----did GS: C/T today and <--- still can't believe how much strength gains she lost in only 3 weeks of the November rotation
<----vows to not ignore her weights again

<---would be willing to beg for Cranberry Pound cake thingie recipe
<---would never threaten to sick a killer turtle on anyone who won't share chocolate
<---knows that turtles carry disease and therefore has nicknamed the turtle "biohazard"
<---has tried to use "escarpment" in a sentence again today with no success
<---just picked up a big ol bag of locally grown Golden Delish apples

<---thanks Missy for ruining cheesecake cravings
<---needed that:p
<---never had a hot teacher EVER:(
<---wonders why Laura has incredible chocolate cravings
<---is sleepy and needs a pot of coffee
<---wants to go to the mall for a while to window shop but is wary of the 4 p.m. traffic -- yes, it starts that early around here
<---is now also BORED

<---waves to all of the Catheites but fears most are asleep.
<---thinks it's too quiet around here.
<---wonders how rude it would be of <---to make lots of noise in an attempt to wake the Catheites up!? }( :p }(
<---is done addressing Christmas cards.
<---stamped MOST of the Christmas cards.
<---needs some more stamps.
<---will send out cards that are ready to go tomorrow.
<---feels great sense of accomplishment that cards are ready to go sooo early.:+
<---is usually a big-time procrastinator with this kind o' stuff!

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