BB Series, questions please.


Ok I am looking into the other tapes now into this series, it will be al VHS but I am going to want L&G, K,P&C, SS, P&P, I have SJ&P and SB. I think thats it ? But here is my questions....
OK so you have all these tapes along with the other 5 I have now, OK your not supposed to do the same muscle group in a row, but it looks like to me in this series your working your legs alot w/ weights ? so is it just for boredom having diff, ones to choose from ?
So is it necessary I guess to have them all if your working the same muscles anyway ? Or am I wrong ?

KP&C, is it comparible to Cardio Kicks ? other then the abs section.

Thank you once again, I know your the pros though =)
Laura =)
You're right about not working the same muscle groups two days in a row, to allow for recovery. You can do full-body weight workouts (ie: SS or PP) every other day, or do a split routine, working upper body (maybe the upper body section of PP) one day, and lower body (LG) the next. You can do cardio workouts in between weight workouts.

As for why there are different ones that work the full body, etc., there are many reasons, avoiding boredom is one. They work your muscles in different ways, and variety is good for muscle development and to "keep the muslces guessing." While SS and PP seem a bit more similar to me (both full body workouts with limited sets per body part, and a total body workout in less than an hour), there are other Cathe workouts that are more different: ie: Slow and Heavy works strength, while Power Hour works endurance.

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