Battling depression and maintaining healthy lifestyle

Okay, Deni, you are on the list! Remember to "reply to all" when you answer an email so it goes out to everyone on the list.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-02-02 AT 02:30PM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-02-02 AT 02:29 PM (Est)[/font]

Can you add me to the list too? I'm at [email protected]. Thanks.

I've had depressive symptoms for as long as I can remember. Fortunately, about five years ago I gathered up the courage to call a psychiatrist (and burst into tears on the phone, by the way), who prescribed antidepressants. It's changed my life completely. I know I wouldn't be working out regularly, enjoying a successful relationship, or succeeding in my job if I wasn't taking them. My only regret is that I waited so long and spent so many years in anguish.
Please add me to the list as well - [email protected]. I was diagnosed 1 1/2 weeks ago and went on a new antidepressant that works quicker than the others supposedly. I am completely unmotivated to workout (or do anything else for that matter) and can completely relate to the issues that everyone has mentioned here.

hi. Is that the lexapro they've got you on? How is it going for you? let me know what side effects, if any you experience, because I am interested in this drug.


Hi Clare,
Yes it is Lexapro. I started about 1 1/2 weeks ago on the full 10 mg. dose but I was kind of nauseous and had a bit of heart palpitations and was kind of sleepy. 2 days later, my doctor recommended splitting the pill in half and taking it at night so that the drowsiness wouldn't be such a problem. That's what I've been doing for the last week. The nausea and heart palpitations were gone on the 5 mg. dose as was the drowsiness. I meet with my doctor on Friday and he'll probably up the dose back to 10 mg. Lexapro is supposed to start working in 1 to 2 weeks at the full dose so I guess I have a little longer than I'd hoped. I can't wait to feel better. This whole thing is so weird and scary!
Good luck,
Hi, Deni, it's a tough thing but you are not alone! I try to use diet and exercise to keep my depressive nature in check but it isn't always easy. There are excellent drugs out there for those times when you can't muster the will. I used Paxil and psychotherapy to get through a slump and then switched back to exercise and diet when I felt capable of doing it that way. Just pulling out your equipment and telling yourself you'll give it ten minutes to see if it's there can be helpful. I usually find I can get through a whole workout and feel better when it's done! See your doctor to talk over all your options and keep up the good work! Chick's Rule! B bbi
hi deni
i have suffered major depression, i spent six weeks in a mental hospital in 1984, the doctors told me then i would have to get some type of exercise or i would have to take nerve medication no no no i said i want a natural high so i joined a gym back then and have been exercising since without it i cant cope, i still have set backs at times all i want to do is eat/sleep/cry
but then i get to thinking look at how far you have come you dont ever want to go back there again, so i get up and go for a walk/ride/step/jog/talk, anything that will help me get over this feeling, i wish you the very best, depression runs in my family my mom had 4 nervous break downs ive had 1 that was enough for me, my dad suffered from anxiety he worried over being worried if he didnt have something to worry about he would worry why he wouldnt worrying
now thats a mouth full lol take care

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