basic step


I am debating buying Cathe's basic step. I am an advanced exerciser. I am able to complete her hardcore extreme, bootcamp, drill max, and all her strength tapes. I tend to buy her circuit workouts, just strength, and kickboxing. I I don't really do her pure step, because I get tripped up with too much choreography, however, I do love the power circuits on the step, like in Imax 3. So, would the basic step help me or would it be too easy, and I would quickly get bored. Thanks for the input.

if you have imax, . . then i'm thinking that basic step will be way to slow paced for you. the beats per minute are slowed down considerably. i've never tried pure step but with any and all cathe workout dvd's i find that the more you do it the better you will get. a lot of her moves are the same she just mixes it up a bit. you might want to try low max instead. whatever you do don't give up. you'll get the steps. try lowering your platform to the lowest with no rises till you feel comfortable. hope this helps.
I think you would get bored. I started with that one but had to move on after about a month (if that)and I am not the best at picking up moves. HTH.
I think you might want to start with either the Classics or Cardio Hits as Cathe tends to explain her moves a little more. There are 3 workouts on each DVD. These are pretty good workouts even tho the outfits are dated. If the dated outfits bother you, you may want to go to Low Impact Step, which is an intermediate level but where Cathe does go over many of the moves she does in other workouts, at a slightly lower pace. I think you'd be too bored w/ Basic Step also. Deb
I am fairly new to Cathe, but I have already put Basic Step away. I have been doing Low Impact Step for a while, and have learned it also, but I still find it challenging enought to do. I just got Lowmax and I am having blast learning that! Someone else suggested trying the Classics, or Cardio Hits, I think I am going to order one of these next.

From what you've said, you're probably too far along to get a really good workout from Basic Step. I am too, with IMAX 3 being my current fave. However, I do have Basic Step and I use it maybe 2 or 3 times a month, either on days when I don't feel like working out, but need to do something or on days when I am crunched for time. Add another riser and put some more Oomph! into your steps and you'll have a decent short workout. Plus it sometimes feels good to have an easy day. I think it's prob worth the purchase. I also use the stability ball section on it to tag on the back end of some of my other workouts. Not as tough as some of her other ab sections, but again, good for an easier day.

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