In, out, done! I LOVE these workouts and almost finished two weeks until I got sick. Anyway, I do the non-treadmill cardio and it absolutely SLAYS me. You basically work one to two body parts a day and follow that with the treadmill cardio or non-treadmill cardio. You get it all done in about one hour. I do my own stretching/yoga afterwards b/c there is no stretching after the cardio and the stretching after the weight work is very short. The group is off count and it's definitely NOT a Cathe production but there is something about these that totally clicked with me. I was in a funk, not following a rotation, lots of stress at work and basically it was nice to just know what I was going to do with no thought. I think the cardio would be nice to pair up with S&H one body part a day. I think the weight work from BBC could be done alternating with longer, steady sate cardio for another option. The setting is a gym and some of the people looke tired and worn out and are pushing through just like I am, which I actually kind of like. There are a lot of pushup/plank work and I don't think I will gain muscle, but I will keep/increase tone I believe. After I'm well, I plan on starting right back in with these. If you order from HSN you can return them if you don't like (30 day money back guarantee) and I had a first time buyer code and got an additional discount. I personally love, love, love BBC! I don't think everyone will love it, but it has been a nice change of pace for me and I won't be returning them!!!