Barry's Bootcamp Workouts...

There are a lot of threads on BBC. They are fabulous. Definitely not the polished finished sets that Cathe has, and nothing like Cathe, but if you like working out with the boys and working hard, you'll love these. I really enjoy them.
In, out, done! I LOVE these workouts and almost finished two weeks until I got sick. Anyway, I do the non-treadmill cardio and it absolutely SLAYS me. You basically work one to two body parts a day and follow that with the treadmill cardio or non-treadmill cardio. You get it all done in about one hour. I do my own stretching/yoga afterwards b/c there is no stretching after the cardio and the stretching after the weight work is very short. The group is off count and it's definitely NOT a Cathe production but there is something about these that totally clicked with me. I was in a funk, not following a rotation, lots of stress at work and basically it was nice to just know what I was going to do with no thought. I think the cardio would be nice to pair up with S&H one body part a day. I think the weight work from BBC could be done alternating with longer, steady sate cardio for another option. The setting is a gym and some of the people looke tired and worn out and are pushing through just like I am, which I actually kind of like. There are a lot of pushup/plank work and I don't think I will gain muscle, but I will keep/increase tone I believe. After I'm well, I plan on starting right back in with these. If you order from HSN you can return them if you don't like (30 day money back guarantee) and I had a first time buyer code and got an additional discount. I personally love, love, love BBC! I don't think everyone will love it, but it has been a nice change of pace for me and I won't be returning them!!!
Could you share the first time buyer code Angela?
I am seriously looking at these and Squeeze for a complete change of pace, but need the best deal possible, since I am also waiting for Cathe's presale!}( ;-)

Thanks for sharing the total plus S&H came to about $53. I believe the price without S&H on Barry's site was about $70. I cant wait to try them out!
>Thanks for sharing the total plus S&H came to about
>$53. I believe the price without S&H on Barry's site was
>about $70. I cant wait to try them out!

I think it's a GREAT deal and I hope you enjoy them!
Hi -

I was looking on BBC website, do you know if their is a link to preview any of the workouts before buying?

I am an Ecto Body Type, do you think I will get good results following his rotation?

Tia ~
"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"


>Hi -
>I was looking on BBC website, do you know if their is a link
>to preview any of the workouts before buying?
>I am an Ecto Body Type, do you think I will get good results
>following his rotation?
>Tia ~
>"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"
> ~Jennifer~

No, there are no clips anywhere that I know of except the little promo they show on Barry's website. I have no idea about body types so I can't answer that question at all. For me, it is more about diet. I just love a new challenge and shaking my routine up and this has definitely done that.


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