Hope everyone is enjoying the new year! I've been doing 4DS rotation for the last two weeks and have had great results, and am seeing great definition in arms/shoulders/chest/back area. My hubby got me BBC as a gift. I'm hesistant to make the switch because of the results so far. Should I try BBC out after I finish my rotation, or keep with 4DS, for another rotation?


Since you are asking for opinions, I am going to suggest sticking w/ 4DS. I have done Barry's and I just can't get into it. It was a good gift of course, but I think you should try sticking with Cathe a bit longer, especially if you are seeing results. I know we all have varying opinions on this but the only BBC I can really see results - or tolerate - is the back and shoulders video. I just can't get motivated by the instructors very well. I think it is the cardio (or "cardio" as the DH and I put it) that can't get me "feeling it". It is just too easy compared to Cathe. JMHO!

Clarissa ;)
BBC and 4DS are totally different in that BBC focuses on endurance lifting while 4DS is strength. It's great to train both ways but there is no reason to feel like you need to rush through 4DS. Continue to do it for another month or two if you want. BBC will be there when you are ready to "switch gears". :)
Agreed! And you have to take the advice of someone who goes by the handle "Fernbot" Gotta love it! :D
I think after 4DS, BBC will be a great way to burn a little extra fat (if you have any to burn) and to fine tune what you've built with 4DS. The short cardio in BBC slays me!
I think Barry kinda sounds like he's been on a Budweiser bender the night before. He just doesn't do it for me.
I really like and have seen great results with BBC. I do sub in some of my own cardio, but I've seen great definition with the upper body workouts. I will give the other opinion and say I think 4DS is more endurance and BBC is more strength. I find when I'm doing BBC I do reps at my own speed since you dont really have to follow along with the speed of the instructor so I tend to reach for heavier weights. With Cathe I always feel like I have to match her in reps for some reason, which is not a complaint, just a difference. I also find it hard for me to squeeze in ab work so with ab exercises intermingled with the upper body workouts I get both done at the same time with no dread factor.
>I really like and have seen great results with BBC. I do sub
>in some of my own cardio, but I've seen great definition with
>the upper body workouts. I will give the other opinion and
>say I think 4DS is more endurance and BBC is more strength.
>I find when I'm doing BBC I do reps at my own speed since you
>dont really have to follow along with the speed of the
>instructor so I tend to reach for heavier weights. With Cathe
>I always feel like I have to match her in reps for some
>reason, which is not a complaint, just a difference. I also
>find it hard for me to squeeze in ab work so with ab exercises
>intermingled with the upper body workouts I get both done at
>the same time with no dread factor.

Oh, I forgot about the nice core work interspersed throughout the workouts...very nice.

Barry and the instructors aren't people I love to workout with but they entertain me in an odd sort of way. I think Barry is quite hilarious but I couldn't take his style of teaching all the time! I do think BBC is very versatile in that you can do it for endurance or slow it down with heavy weights at your own pace, since they are so off count anyway.
Well, I may be in the minority with those who responded but I got better results doing BBC. I think the workouts are harder and they pack a lot of punch. The only workout on 4D that challenged me was Bootcamp. Sure Cathe is a better instructor, but I just love the sequencing of exercises in Barry's workouts. Continue with your 4Day Split, but eventually you'll want to shake things up and BBC will be great for that.
We all have our own opinnions on which work outs we like better or what gave us better results, etc but it's all relative to the person doing the work outs. Our opinnions and results will not necessarily be the same as yours. Do 4DS for as long as you like but you should atleast give BBC a try at some point before you toss it aside as being useless or something you don't THINK you'll like. You'll never know until you try it! :)
I loved BBC for the first couple weeks I did it--it was a nice change of pace from Cathe. But, ultimately, I felt that I was getting a more thorough, effective, all-around workout with Cathe. She has MANY more options, at least. Plus, BBC non-treadmill cardio was WAYYYYY too hard on my knees and I don't have a treadmill so I couldn't do the treadmill cardio.

I also think Cathe and crew are just more fun. I couldn't stand the female instructor in BBC (she instructs the legs dvd). Joey was nice eye candy, though....;)

I've got both, and I prefer 4DS hands down. I don't even do any of the cardio on BBC, just the weight work.
Thanks for all the helpful advice. I'll finish the 4DS rotation, then try BBC for one week. If it works out, I'll do it for a month and then go back to some more 4DS. I've been working out with Cathe consistently for the last three months. She sets the bar high for any other workouts out there and I can't wait for STS. I'm hoping to get a student gym membership next month to begin incorporating jogging into my routine. Yipee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)


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