<--- Barfoopie!!!

<--- waves to all the Catheland superwomen.
<--- thinks Carole maybe likes football a little? :p
<--- is so excited for the Limecat residence
<--- is so excited about my upcoming 3 day weekend
<--- is STILL sore in the legs from her Saturday Leg WO after her hiatus from working out
<--- knows she needs some good cardio to get it worked out
<--- still doesn't have a TV in her W/O room so can only do Strength
<--- is currently on a S&H rotation until we get TV deliveredx(
<--- misses her cardio:-(
<---will try to remember to send good luck vibes to Wendy on Friday
<---guesses Aiden is no longer sick since Debbie wants to take him to the mall
<---agrees with Kristine that this is a fun thread
<---askes Shelley what TMI is?Here in Pennsylvania it is Three Mile Island
<---agrees with Smoogy that 3 day weekends are da bomb and can't wait for the one <---has coming up
<---agrees with Carole about football, but has neither cable or dish, so must watch what the major networks have to offer
<---is totally frustrated with "initialed" agencies
<---called CIL(Center for independent living) looking for attendant care for son
<---talked to at least 5 different people at CIL about attendant care
<---got call from case worker at OVR(office of vocational rehabilitation)saying that I never mentioned attendant care to CIL
<---is no longer to be Tristan's nice mummy
<---is now officially going to be that Bitch from Hell
<--- assures Shelley that it is not TMI since we all asked.
<--- tells Robin TMI means too much information.
<--- thinks Carole is HILARIOUS and can see her chasing spiders with vacuum.
<--- does not mind having butt glue virus especially since Pinky is notorious for posting links to hotties.
<--- is still recovering from yesterday's episode!
<--- plans on doing Pinky's extended LM sometime this week.
<--- probably won't be able to get out of chair ever if this continues!
<---waves hello to Catheland
<---wants Directv Sunday ticket but can't afford it! x(
<---are glad the Yankees lost so <---doesn't have to worry about the World Series and can concentrate on football :7
<---hopes Marla gets her TV stat
<---hates spiders more than Lowmax
<---hopes whoever is chasing spiders with a vaccuum knows they could still be alive in there and lay eggs and then have millions of babies in their vaccum
<---is as usual sending Wendy good vibes :)
<---agrees w/ Debbie that a trip to the mall sounds great
<---can't wait for Shelley to get Gilbert
<---better go workout before it gets tossed for the day

<---says oh, duh, I knew what TMI meant
<---thought no topic was sacred on this thread
<---has seen farts and ho's discussed
<---as well at butt glue and the murder of innocent arachnids
<---thinks about starting a new initialed foundation SAELCFV
Save All Eight Legged Creatures From Vacuums
<---thinks I'm already going stir crazy & it's not noon
<---is feeling lazy about the mall...ugh
<---needs to stop whining today ;)
<---thinks O/T titles are funny when the whole forum is O/T
<---will surely go to hell for thinking out loud too much
<---suspiciously wants something pumpkiny like

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

<---is still in my robe and having coffee
<---ate a very large and healthy breakfast in attempt to gather energy for cardio
<---hopes Marla gets her tv soon
<---wishes i had Marla's love for cardio
<---hopes Shell gets a nap today
<---wonders what is going on with the weather
<---wonders what Pinky's extended version of LM is(knows i should probably know this already)
<---wonders if Mama D got a new stove top yet
<---is not feeling energized yet

<---has been butt-glued all morning, looking for a weight bench online
<---doesn't have any space at all for any more fitness equipmentx(
<---hopes lovely Marla gets back on her cardio soon
<---totally understands how we all need to do what we love;-)
<---looks like sore legs are popular today
<---hopes Robin gets somewhere with "initialed" agencies
<---thinks such agencies shouldn't be messing with families, especially those with Mamas who can pack a wallop:)
<---gives Rogue this link: http://www.jerryoconnellfansite.com/
<---doesn't know if that's Rogue's type, but oh boy, does he make my oatmeal BOIL:p }( :)
<---thinks Debbie should go to the mall and get herself something nice, like a shiny new cape in a jewel-toned, fall color:)
<---is thinking of just taking a rest day
<---might change her mind later this afternoon
<---can maybe do all of Core Max if everything else is sore
<---really has to get going

ETA: <---gives Jes this link:

<--- can't get work out started because people are here to set up media/ theatre
<--- but did do two extra cleanning chores
<--- still needs to conquer Mount Washmore and ironing
<--- explains to Carole that I spend many hours in my kitchen and want good music to entertain me.
<--- is very pleased that the speakers will go in soffits above cabinets and will have a separate volume control.
<--- os typing around a needy kitty who wants his face rubbed and is purrrrring loudly

Judy "Likes2bfit"
<---LOVES the name of this thread! ;)

<---also has intestinal issues today

<---hates her boss with a passion.

<---realized this morning that her license plates have expired. OOPS!

<---drank a Pumpkin Spice Latte this morning and agree that it's a little too sweet but that didn't stop <----from sucking the whole thing down. (a venti, no less)

<---feels for Robin and hopes she can get break some of the stupid bureacratic red tape with all the phone calls she's making

<---is very excited for Shelley about Gilbert!

<---is sad that the White Sox lost last night (sorry, Carole!!!)

<--- thinks her belly might explode
<--- laughs at Judy and her Mount Washmore!:)
<--- wants to know what ironing is? Is that what you do with that funny boat shaped thing that heats up?;)
<---thinks "makes my oatmeal boil" is a hilarious phrase
<---doesn't think boiling oatmeal is a pretty picture though
<---either has too much imagination, or not enough
<--- can empathize with Robin & acronymed agenciesx(
<--- is afraid to ask what Robin meant by HOs:eek:
<--- is envious of Jes still lounging in her robe & sipping hot coffee
<--- would so freak out if a million spiders were hatching in my vacuum. Yipe!:eek:
<--- doesn't remember if she told Pinky Extended LM was Da Bomb!
<--- states that ironing to her means tumble in a hot dryer prior to wear.

<--- thinks it's funny that four of us biatches replied to the O/T thread in OT at the same time.
<--- figures everyone now thinks we are nuts.
<--- is cool with that.
<--- thanks Pinky for the link and will now have a "makes my oatmeal boil" rating index for hotties.
<--- will get back to you with the appropriate terminology for said index.
<--- is trying to drink peppermint tea at the suggestion of Jes
<--- thinks peppermint tea is GROSSx(
<--- is gonna drink it anyway
<--- is bored and needs someone to chat with
<---loves to chat
<---boss just left for the day
<---is almost done with work responsiblities and can play now
<---loves this thread
<---loves Catheland
<---loves working out with Cathe
<---wonders where all the endophins suddenly came from
<---is anxiously waiting for co-workers to go to lunch

<---wants to purchase ACE study guides NOW

<---can't wait to see bf tonight

<---can't wait to see LOST tonight

<---bf can't wait to see White Sox WIN tonight

<---can't wait to wrestle bf for the remote control all night!! }(

<--- has to go doggie paraphenalia shopping tonight:)
<--- also needs kitty treats
<--- thinks Angie won't be wrestling for the remote;)
<--- can't drink any more of this cursed peppermint tea:p
<--- aches
<--- is whiny
<--- is becoming far too familiar with the ladies' room at work;)
<--- also loves Cathe - was smiling and laughing all through Bootcamp x 2 last night
<--- is strangely hungry
<--waves hello to all my wonderful biatches in catheland!
<--had incredibly SHIZNITTY morning with a 2 1/2 hour commute thanks to the lovely rain
<--was tempted to throw <--out in oncoming traffic to end the misery
<--has eaten lunch and is in much better mood now, ahhh:)
<--hopes Shelley feels better soon
<--congratulates Shelley on her BEAUTIFUL new puppy...awwwwwww:7 !!
<--hopes marla gets new tv soon!
<--has a feeling shopping with Boybert would be way TOO much fun}( :)
<--was thinking the same thing as Boybert regarding topics that start with "O/T" lol
<--wants to join Robin's new foundation!
<--tells shelley that any tea with Fennel or Anise is super good for the tummy as well and is a good substitute for peppermint:)
<--- waves madly to Sandy:)
<--- wonders what Sandy had for lunch?
<--- is going to root around in the kitchen for fennel/anise tea

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