

A long time ago I thought the barbell was available on your web site. I dont see it anymore and wanted to order online if I could. Got any suggestions?
I remember they had a link to the Troy website, the bar/system is called Troy Lite. I found it on sale here

It only comes with 40 pounds of plates, you may need to buy more plates.

Here is the link to the Troy website, looks like the same package as above, but I could never figure out how to order from their website.

I had bought 2 sets of these from Amazon, they are great, the shipping was unbelievably low when I bought them, but I can't see what the shipping is now. This company also sells a 100 pound set, but I liked having the 2 bars, it made switching between exercises much faster.

One note though, the barbell I bought is too short to use with the Cathe push/pull tower, so I ended up buying a slightly longer barbell by Cap that fits the tower better.
Another option is to build your own barbell set. DH and I originally purchased the WalMart barbell set, but we were unhappy with it so we ended up buying a bar by itself and then an assortment of weight plates (I think we got both the bar and the plates from Sports Authority). We have been happy with this because we were able to get weights in the increments that worked best for us. And in the end I don't think it was much more expensive than buying a barbell set.

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