Barbell vs. Dumbell curls


I did SH Triceps and Biceps last night and was wondering: What's the difference between doing barbell bicep curls and dumbell bicep curls? Both of these are in this workout with the hammercurls in between. Is it just a matter of being able to potentially handle heavier weight with the barbell? Or is it supposed to work the muscles differently?


I am only taking a guess at this, but when you do a dumbell curl, you twist your wrist slighly, working the bicep muscle a little differently than using a barbell.
I think you hit it with the ability to handle more weight.

However, I prefer using dumbbells because you can vary the grip in so many differnt ways.
Another difference between dumbbells versus barbells is that, with a barbell, there is a strong tendency for your dominant arm to do more of the work in lifting and lowering while giving your non-dominant arm a bit of a pass, whereas with dumbbells, because each weight is held independently, both arms are worked more evenly. Also, as noted earlier, barbells keep your hands and wrists in a fixed position throughout the curl and lowering, which may or may not be a good thing depending on the amount of strain you feel in your hands. Total personal preference here - I use dumbbells exclusively for biceps work for these reasons.

i'm kinda the other way around, because i love using a barbell for bicep curls, for some reason when i use a barbell my arms are more sore the next day, and i really feel them working. it is true that sometimes my stronger arm tries to take over, but i really try to focus on using both arms equally to squeeze the bar up, and slowly let it down. i love using dumbells as well, but just find the barbell more fun. :)
I'm with A-Jock on this one. Barbell bicep curls are a total cop out for my left arm, the right is a good deal stronger. I feel dumbell bicep curls with a vengeance, the barbell ones do little for me..

I just wondered why both would be included in the same workout. If I go really heavy on the regular and hammer curls with the dumbells, I don't have much left to give the barbell sets. Guess my biceps are wimpy...

My favorite bicep exercises are the dumbell concentration curls and the crazy eights. I have to go pretty light on the crazy eights, though!


Who's trying to pump up for sleeveless season

I don't really know. Why don't you ask Cathe?

I'm like you, an ecto with a gaining problem. But, I have to say that the PUB has changed my upper body. I was already getting strong in the back and biceps from MIS mainly, but PUB has taken my strength to new limits. Not only the initial pump as you complete the set, but noticeable curves and shape in the upper body everywwhere since starting using PUB. I can complete the back and bicep section with the same weights Cathe uses, although I sometimes have to slow down the count on that 15 pounder set, and no-one was more astounded by this than me!!

This tape has really helped me with triceps too, I never had any before. But this combination of exercises seems to work for me.

All in all, I lift heavier with this tape than witth any other, and my body now looks so much more balanced, no longer reed-thin arms up top.

try it and get ready for the sleeveless season!


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