Hi Cathe. I am new to your workouts. I have the DVD's of PS, S & H, Power Hour/MIS/Body Max and I have the new Vol. 2 & 3 coming. My question is I am having problems with the barbell segments. I know you are going to think this is strange but I do not have enough flexibility in my upper body to hold the barbell. My hands/arms will not go back far enough for me to hold it. I hope you understand.
Will I get the same benefits if I use dumbbells or can you recommend some exercises for my UB.
Thanks Cathe, and if you dont have time to answer right away that is OK too.
Will I get the same benefits if I use dumbbells or can you recommend some exercises for my UB.
Thanks Cathe, and if you dont have time to answer right away that is OK too.