barbell pullovers with dumbells


Active Member
When I use dumbells instead of a barbell in the pullovers in Muscle Max should I have the dumbbells as if I was holding a barbell or be holding the dumbbells kinda like you do in frenchpresses? Is this supposed to felt in the back or the chest?
Pullovers are primarily for the back. though they will work the chest and triceps somewhat.

So, no, do not hold the dumbells as for french presses. Use only one dumbell for your total weight and hold it either as you would for triceps overhead extensions, i.e. vertically with both hands at one end of the dumbell, or hold it sideways/horizontally with one hand gripping each end of the dumbell.

Pullovers work a lot of muscles: back, chest, shoulders, triceps, even the abs somewhat as you stablize the core when you pull back. Whether the focus is on the back or chest depends somewhat on your mental focus. I find that if I concentrate on the top 30 percent or so of the move, I can feel it more in my chest. If I concentrate on the lats in the bottom 30 percent of the move, I feel it in the lats (especially if I kind of press my scapulae into the bench on the lift). One of my reference books shows the pullover in both the chest and back section. In the chest section, you are lying with upper back supported on a bench (crosswise) and hips down. In the back section, you are in the same position, but with hips up.
I use a dumbell and I feel it in both my back and chest. I really try to focus and concentrate hard to make my back muscles work primarily, but I still feel it in my chest too, and even in my triceps.
I hold the dumbell by the ends, like I do in a tricep press. It works pretty well for me. If you really want to feel it you can go heavier with the dumbell. I just feel safer going over my head with a dumbell that I can control better because it's smaller, than a huge and cumbersome barbell.

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