Barbell Help


I've been substituting with dumbells so far but have decided it's time buy a barbell and some weights. Okay, so educate me. What should I look for? Length, weight of bar?? Where to purchase?? I'd appreciate any help you can give me. Equipment is a big investment and I want to make a wise decision.

Thanks a bunch! :)
I started out with a cheap barbell set from a local sports store, and quickly regretted it. I ended up purchasing a Troy Lite set a few months ago, and I love it!

Here's where I ordered it from:

The shipping charges were outrageous on it, but you could also pick up some plates from Target or a local sports store if you don't care if the plates all match. I ended up just ordering the whole sha-bang since I wanted to make sure that all the plates worked together without any clanking.;-)

I think Chris from SNM also recommended a set from Wal Mart a short while back, so I bet you could do a search on the forums and find out more about it.

Hope this helps!:)
Wow, actually not as expensive (even with shipping) as I thought. Befor tax 111.23. I can't see needing more than 80 lbs.
Glad to help! I think that I ended up ordering about 80 pounds, too, since I don't think I'd ever be able to lift more than that!;-) The shipping was expensive to where I'm at, so I'm glad that it's cheaper for you!

Before I forget, just be warned that the Troy Lite is a bit shorter than your typical barbell bar, so it may not fit correctly onto a weight station that you might have. SNM said that the Troy Lite *would* work with their new pull-up tower.

Hope you like it if you decide to get it! Keep us posted!:)
There are two sizes: Standard and Olympic. Olympic bars are wider in diameter and longer in length than Standard so weight plates from an Olympic set aren't usable with Standard bars, and vice versa. Ironically, Standard is NOT the standard bar size; Olympic is. Virtually all weight lifting equipment (including squat racks) are geared towards the use of Olympic bars (Standard bars are too short). I didn't know any better when I bought my Standard weights and when I'm ready for a squat rack I'll need to buy everything all over again - in Olympic. Buy Olympic and you won't ever have to deal with what I'm going through.

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