making it difficult to do quick changes for workouts like PLB. Does anyone know of an oil or lubricant I can put on the bar to help the clip slide on more quickly? TIA!!
I had that same problem initially with my BB. I bought it at Walmart. I bought a different set of clips. The ones I have are York, and that has make all the difference in the world. Possibly, if you work with your current clips alot and try to loosen them up - maybe bend them a little - it would help. Be careful of adding any lubricant as you don't want to make your bar slippery.
Phyllis(hey Phyllis) made a good point(the same one i was going to make)about bending the clips! My clips have gotten easier to slip onn and off the more I use them! And yes,becareful with lubricant,don't want that bar slippery!
I have been using two of the clips for over a year now. I will try a little oil on the outer part only (not where I grip). I will try some WD-40- but first I think I will call Sport Authority, where I got the barbell set from, to see if they have suggestions.
I wonder if some wax wouldn't work? My set has gotten easier with use, but before spraying on any oil, perhaps try some wax like they might use on surfboards or something. They sell blocks of parrafin at the grocery store, I think for canning. ???
Hello, I had this problem also and I put just a very little bit of Pam cooking spray on the clips and it really helped to get them off and on quickly!! HTH!! Sandy
Mine were sticking pretty bad, too and I solved the problem with getting different clips. One of the major problems that I had with the ones that came with the set was the handles were too small, so I couldn't get a good grip. New clips, bigger handles, problem solved for me!