Barbell Across Shoulders


Hi All,

When lifting a barbell across the tops of the shoulders, behind your head, is it really important to get a support pad or can the exercise be done without a support pad ? Just wondering for when I invest in my barbell ?

Many thanks

The support pad is just for comfort. I have never used one, but my trapezius is kinda big, so the bar makes no contact with my spine. It's really up to you.
Either I'm just a wuss or can't handle the pressure, but I use a pad because the lightest I ever go for my legs is 45# (for endurance work) and it's too much pressure on my shoulders without the pad.
I tried the washcloth thing at first, but it kept moving and/or falling, so I just spent the $5. and got a pad from our local Wal-Mart. It's been the best $5. in equipment I could have spent.

Anna, I bought the Ivanko Aerobic barbell that is covered with some kind of padding. I really like it. Some people don't like the grip on it though but it doesn't bother me. It's much easier on my shoulders. The barbell without the padding would really bother me.
WOW!! I don't know how any of you live without a support pad of some kind. I did S&H ONCE with 60lbs on my back and I had this big black and blue bruise right on the bone back there. Felt like I had whiplash or something for a whole week afterward!!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-06-02 AT 10:03PM (Est)[/font][p]I bought a pad for my Troy Lite barbell and think it was a mistake to spend the money. I am perfectly comfortable without it, and it is too bulky for me to enjoy using. If you get the Troy Lite barbell, don't make the same mistake I did; try going without a pad, at least until you are using a very heavy weight load!
I have the Troy Lite system and I DO have / use a pad, also purchased from Troy Lite. I wouldn't have the barbell across the shoulders otherwise. Well worth the money IMHO. Different strokes for different folks.

Annette Q. Aquajock
I suspect Annette is lifing a lot more weight than I am! Also, I'm not sure who makes the pad I bought, but it was from Fitness1st and is several inches thick, and much too bulky! Where did you get yours Annette?
Thanks everyone for your input, I think when I invest in a barbell, I will also purchase a shoulder pad for heavier weights !

Hello Anna,

A barbell pad does help in my case for some exercises, like MIS and BodyMax and I think I would use it for PS too (although I haven't started this rotation yet). I don't use it for PH though (I have noticed that Cathe doesn't so I copied her) because it is a little too big and bulky. If you buy one, try to buy a slim one. I used to use a towel, but it kept falling off.

Have you checked out Argos and Index barbells and dumbells? I have the Argos collection as the plates are smaller (although still as heavy) - perfect for me.

I bought an Ivanko barbell pad and it was THE best investment (well, except for Cathe vids) I have ever purchased. I weigh 95 lbs. and I can't imagine putting a heavey barbell on my shoulders without a pad. Just my .02:D

RE: Nancy324 - better late than never

I think I got mine from Fitness1st, although I recall they were just a conduit or distributor for the Troy Lite system.

I relearned my love for my barbell pad last night when I was doing the last resistance circuit from Circuit Max (in which I only do leg circuits with barbell, rather than the compound upper / lower body stuff Cathe does) - the pad slipped off the bar about two lunges in, and that d@mn bar dug into my shoulder and neck bonies for 2 solid minutes!

Annette Q. Aquajock
I bought some pipe insulation at Lowe's and that works great, as well. Slightly cheaper, I think, at $7.50 a yard.

I'd second the idea of pipe insulation. I use that to pad the racks on my car and it works great. Any hardware store or DIY (at least where it gets cold!) will have it. It's made for a couple different standard sizes of pipes, so just get one that matches your bar.
When I used to work out in a college weight room, I used a towel draped over my shoulders as a pad. Now, I've discovered that anything over 45# is too heavy for my shoulder safety and for comfort, so I bought a weight vest that goes to 20#. It also acts as a bit of padding.

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