

So, for the first time in ages I reviewed my Cathe friends list and realized that one of my friends had apparently been banned. Colour me shocked! I have no idea what happened. Does anyone know what happened to Snitker? Snitker, are you out there? What's going on?
WOW what do you have to do or be accused of doing to be banned at this forum?!?!?:confused: i have seen some posts that would cause thread closures and bans on other boards but this one is pretty wide open like that and things usually just resolved themselves but to be banned!!!

i am pretty curious with this story now.

I think(if I am thinking about the right person) she posted something very rude to lauramax a while back.
She was a friend of mine, and when I checked my friends list, it had "banned" under her name.

Oh, I didn't know that. I didn't realize they banned anyone except the salesbots. There have been some pretty ugly comments made (IMO) and those posters are still here. I don't recall any made by snitker.
I was just over on Jari Loves forum and in the DVD questions and comments category I saw a post titled 'I got banned". I believe this is Snitker but she's going by Loretta over there. Her posts explains her POV.

I've seen at least one member (one thread in particular comes to mind) write a lot worse than what Snitker wrote and they didn't get banned.
I was just over on Jari Loves forum and in the DVD questions and comments category I saw a post titled 'I got banned". I believe this is Snitker but she's going by Loretta over there. Her posts explains her POV.

I've seen at least one member (one thread in particular comes to mind) write a lot worse than what Snitker wrote and they didn't get banned.

She used to go by Snitker on that forum, but maybe she changed it. I guess I didn't see that thread on the Cathe forums. It's been a while since I was on the Ripped forums and they've made a lot of changes. I don't think I can comment on what she said without seeing the original thread with all the original posts intact. It can't have been the swearing - god knows I swear up a storm around here, on my blog especially. If it was as Snitker described on the Jari forum, it certainly was a visceral comment.
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I was just over on Jari Loves forum and in the DVD questions and comments category I saw a post titled 'I got banned". I believe this is Snitker but she's going by Loretta over there. Her posts explains her POV.

I've seen at least one member (one thread in particular comes to mind) write a lot worse than what Snitker wrote and they didn't get banned.


I laughed out loud - so true.

I can't seem to find the post you are describing at Jari Love's forum.

WOW what do you have to do or be accused of doing to be banned at this forum?!?!?:confused: i have seen some posts that would cause thread closures and bans on other boards but this one is pretty wide open like that and things usually just resolved themselves but to be banned!!!

i am pretty curious with this story now.


I agree Kassia. It is funny I know someone here who posts stuff that tends to bring out the beast in people and she has not been banned. In a gossipy kinda way I'm curious but I won't lose sleep if I don't find out. I just hope she didn't take it to hard. That has gotta sting a bit. Way worse than walking out of the girls bathroom with toilet paper stuck to your shoe, . . .or talking to a bunch of people with a giant snot coming out of your nose and no one having the guts to tell you about it. :(
The only thing with banning here is, unless The Cathe Nation has changed, Snitker can actually peruse these forums without actually being a member.

I agree Kassia. It is funny I know someone here who posts stuff that tends to bring out the beast in people and she has not been banned. In a gossipy kinda way I'm curious but I won't lose sleep if I don't find out. I just hope she didn't take it to hard. That has gotta sting a bit. Way worse than walking out of the girls bathroom with toilet paper stuck to your shoe, . . .or talking to a bunch of people with a giant snot coming out of your nose and no one having the guts to tell you about it. :(

Or walking out of the 8th grade girls bathroom only to have a group of the "in" girls lauph out loud at you and you wonder what's that about :confused:, then looking down and realizing you only did the top button of your pants but forgot to zip so you're bright red shirt is sticking out for all the world to see. :eek:

I don't know, I think I'd rather be banned. :D
Well, as the recipient of Snitker's unprovoked attack I would certainly be interested in seeing her POV as well. Jeez, I didn't even know who she was until she took it upon herself to slam me! :confused:

Ah, I found it:
I didn't really care either way, but a certain member kept kissing Cathe's butt and sticking up for anything she's ever done and how dare anyone say anything even remotely against Cathe's decisions. Well, I did write something that was meant to be funny and apparently it was not taken the way. I told whoever that they could take their head out of Cathe's a@@ anytime now. And then put Sorry, but I couldn't resist.

Isn't it funny how defending Cathe is considered "kissing Cathe's butt?" It couldn't be b/c I believe what I said. Nah. It's b/c I'm "kissing her butt." Then I get cursed at for it. And it was supposed to be funny? Huh. Yeah, I didn't take it that way either.
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