Bad news yesterday and I'm devasted

I am so sorry for all that you are going through right now. I will keep you and your baby in my prayers.
RE: Have you heard anything further Shanda?

Hi Fitnik,
Your little boy is a beauty. I'm going to see a specialist next week and I'm praying for the best of course. I'm also in the process of looking for a new ob/gyn. Thanks for asking, I'll keep you all updated when I return from my visit.

Shanda, May the Lord be with you and guide you in all your decisions you will make during your pregnancy. He alone knows His will for your life, so just keep entrusting this to Him, honey. May He lift you up and give you guidance and mercy as you rest in His loving arms. May He protect your little one and may His angels have charge concerning you and all of your ways. In Jesus' name.Amen. Blessings Always...
I too wanted to wrap my arms around you in a big hug. I've never met you but from one woman to another I can only imagine the emotions you are feeling. Please take Sheila's advice to heart concerning your worries over exercise. You have done nothing but good for this little baby so far. Please hang in there and keep us posted. You are on my prayer list. God bless you and your family. Heather
Words of encouragement...

Hi Shanda,

I know I'm coming in late, but I just wanted to see if I could help you a little bit. I'm not an obstetrician, but I am a pediatrician, so will try to put together a guess as to what your doctor was talking about.

First of all, I agree with what all the others said - don't let anyone tell you whether or not to have an abortion, unless there is some risk to you personally. That is not a doctor's job. I think that it is their job to tell you the whole story, and what the odds are - that's what most people want, in order to be able to make informed decisions. And, most importantly, the types of things he is talking about don't sound in any way connected with your doing exercise or not. So please don't beat yourself up about it.

I'm not exactly sure what he was talking about on the neck. It could be a cystic hygroma, which is a fluid-filled cyst, that can be very large, usually in the neck/face region. These can happen for various reasons. The other thing could have been that sometimes, various findings on an ultrasound can suggest a chromosomal abnormality, which is why he wants to take some of the amniotic fluid. What they do, is actually take the cells and separate out all the chromosomes, which is the material that makes each of us 'ourselves'= half of which comes from mom, and the other half from dad. If there are extra ones, or missing ones, then most of the time, this will result in an array of birth defects and problems. It sounds as if they are concerned that your baby has an extra chromosome 18. As he suggested, many of these babies do not make it all the way to delivery, but some do. You may want to get the amniocentesis, just to be prepared either way, not in an effort to decide about abortion or not. I've known lots of people who were happy that they carried their baby to delivery, even if they died a relatively short time later. That time of love and bonding is very special regardless of the outcome.

I hope this helps a little, and may be late. Please feel free to email me if you have any other questions. Again, I am guessing from what you wrote, but don't want you to lose heart or faith. Please keep us posted.....

RE: Words of encouragement...

Oh dear does my heart go out to you! I know I am late in the game of replying but just saw your post tonight.

I think I have a good story to share that is somewhat familiar to yours and ended very positive. First off, doctors can also be wrong. When I was pregnant with my 2 year old son I took the AFP blood test. They told me I had a 1 in 30 chance of my baby having Trisomy 18 (extra 18th chromosome - similar to what Colia describes above.) I was devastated! It was 2 weeks prior to xmas when we went in then for the 2nd level ultra-sound. At the ultra sound they also told us there were markers for Trisomy 18 that he had spots on his brain called charoid plexus cysts sp? that were spots his brain wasn't developing properly. They also were already talking to us also about abortion before we even knew.

So, we went ahead and did the amnio just for piece of mind. Long story short we got the results and he was a perfectly healthy baby boy! Then they told me that with the technology with ultra-sounds they can see much more than they ever could before and that there are many more false positives on the results than there use to be!

They worried me for over 3 weeks. I truly know what you are going thru and feel your pain. Please feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] if you need anyone to talk to or just need an ear to listen.

I will keep you in my prayers this week and truly hope that everything turns out positive for you and your precious little one. Do not feel guilty for anything! Working out is good for both you and your baby just as Sheila said. Never give up hope! God does answer prayers! I truly believe he answered mine! I know he had a hand in delivering me the gift of a healthy baby!

God Bless!
-LuvCardio If Only I Can Be 1/2 the Woman my Dog Thinks I am!
RE: Words of encouragement...

Hi everyone,
Thank you all again for your kind words. I went to see a perintalogist yesterday my baby has just what Colia said cystis hygroma. My first ultrasound the doctor said it was quote " large and complex" but my doctor yesterday said it wasn't that big to him and that it could resolve on it's own of course, that's what I'm hoping for with all my heart. I have the ammnio in three weeks and waiting is absoulte torture. However, the doctor was very glad that the baby had a heartbeat because in alot of these cases they don't. I really need to stay off the net I'm getting information overload and some of the stories I've read about cystis hygroma are quiet horrible. I'm having a really bad day today the stress is making me feel like I'm losing my mind. I really thought of making an appointment to get an abortion today because my mind is so confussed and the not knowing. The doctor talked to me about Turners syndrome, of course downs and trisomy 13 and 18 and my heart just sank. I have so much support from family and friends and you guys and so many people praying. I'm so grateful for that.

I've been emailing other women going through the same thing and that really helps alot. I tell you, I thought I knew what heartache was not until this. I'm healthy, all my blood work came back fine and to hear about Turner's syndrome is just baffling. I just try to stay in prayer and I know that it's up to god now. It's absoutley nothing I can do and that is just the hardest part. I just rub my stomach and I say baby stay with me, please stay with me. Thanks again, I'll let you all know however it turns out.

RE: Words of encouragement...

Shanda you are in my prayers. Today I had an ultrasound done and they informed me that my son has a cyst in/on the left ventrical(sp) in his brain. Then she told me not to worry becuase it may resolve itself, but I have to have a Level 2 ultrasound done. The doctor didn't even talk to me about it. I asked the nurse/midwife, what happens if it doesnt resolve itself and she said, "I'll let the people at the ultrasound clinic explain it to you." They are going to call me with an appointment so in the mean time I'm worrying myself sick. I hope everything works out for you and your baby.
God Bless
RE: Words of encouragement...

>Shanda you are in my prayers. Today I had an ultrasound done
>and they informed me that my son has a cyst in/on the left
>ventrical(sp) in his brain. Then she told me not to worry
>becuase it may resolve itself, but I have to have a Level 2
>ultrasound done. The doctor didn't even talk to me about it.
>I asked the nurse/midwife, what happens if it doesnt resolve
>itself and she said, "I'll let the people at the ultrasound
>clinic explain it to you." They are going to call me with an
>appointment so in the mean time I'm worrying myself sick. I
>hope everything works out for you and your baby.
>God Bless

Hi Carolyn,
Oh, my heart goes out to you I know exactly how you feel. I, too, am worrying myself sick. Everyone keeps telling me it's going to be ok, and somedays are better than others.
I actually will be going to my perinatolgist now instead of a regular ob/gyn. Reason being he has the ultrasound equipment right in his office and he'll do a ultrasound at every visit unlike the ob/gyn.
Besides, my other doctor was very insensitive and I had already changed doctors anyway. Please feel free to email me if you like at [email protected] if you want someone to talk to or just listen. You and your son will be in my praryers.


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