Bad form at the gym


I've been back at the gym for 3 weeks now working out. I have never seen so many people with bad form in my life. Some of the people in the classes and even the aerobics instructor. When we use the hand weights she uses so much momentum to lift the weight. You know how Cathe will point out what not to do when doing an exercise? When we are on the ball doing abs (mainly the obliques) she's using her elbow rather than taking the shoulder over. I know that I don't have perfect form sometimes and I'm not in the greatest shape right now but I just feel like saying something to these people. But I just go on and do my own thing.

Another note: One of the instructors has fit tv and is using some of Cathe's moves. And some of the music the they use is from IMAX 2. You know that interval (I think either 5 or 6) where she does the abduction repeaters and then the fast foot repeaters for 8 (I love those) when that song comes on (and we are usually doing abs) I want to just go right into those fast foot repeaters. But I think that might be a little rude. I wish they had tv's with dvd players in the rooms that people could use when there isn't a class.

Just had to vent.

I rarely workout in public, but when I travel, I use the hotel weight rooms. Every time, I see many examples of bad form. Some are SOOO bad, I just want to go over and tell the person to stop and give them some tips.

It's especially bad when an instructor uses bad form. And most of the people who are taking the class don't know any better so they emulate her/his form, or have even worse form.

Just another perk to working out at home: you don't have to be subjected to other people's bad form.
Oh I hear you Kim. My favorite is the guys who use the lat pulldown machine, & their butts come like 12 inches off the seat with each rep. Hello macho man, you're supposed to use your muscles to pull, not your body weight! }(

Every time I'm at the gym I resist the urge to correct someone's form. It's none of my business & I know I get annoyed when people try to give me advice. But as always it is hard to keep my mouth shut......:+
what gets me , is people walking 1/2 mile per hour on the treadmill reading a magazine.. I want to tell them that they will never get anywhere reading and walking that slow!!! I guess a few months of not progressing , and they will probably figure it out!!}(
>what gets me , is people walking 1/2 mile per hour on the
>treadmill reading a magazine.. I want to tell them that they
>will never get anywhere reading and walking that slow!!!

I see this at hotel gyms too! My theory ... if you're able to read at the same time as you're walking/jogging, you're not putting enough into it. You are basically wasting your time.

It is amazing how bad some people's form is. They've just not been taught correctly obviously. It's kind of sad to watch someone whip out a bunch of reps with bad form and realize they are doing themselves more harm than good, yet they don't even realize it!
Both sexes are guilty of bad form at times. You really have a problem with men in general don't you? That is the impression I get from many of your posts. Everything they do seems to annoy you.
Just for the record many bodybuilders use "cheating" movements in their workouts in order to subject the muscles to greater weight than what they may be able to move using good form. I am not saying that this is what you observed, or that this is good for the average person, but it is a reality of bodybuilding that you may see in a gym.

I think the really sad thing is there are people who get PAID to work in the gym and correct form. Do they do this?? No. At least in the gym I went to, they were way too "busy" socializing. Ugh.

Ummm, I get the impression that you need more things to do in your life if you're monitoring my posts that closely. I also get the impression you're completely devoid of having any sense of humor. Why would you even point this out? <sigh> I guess you're intentionally trying to offend me. Fortunately for me, I don't monitor your posts, I have no idea who you are & I couldn't care less about your opinion.

Just for the record I'm well aware many bodybuilders use "cheating" movements. I use cheating movements myself. Just not on every rep with every set.
You really have a
>problem with men in general don't you? That is the impression
>I get from many of your posts. Everything they do seems to
>annoy you.

Settle down! It seems to me the poster was just making an observation on a few random people ...not an attack on the male gender in general.....

Anyway..I don't think the ones reading their magazines and "jogging" actually really care about their fitness level..I think (and, of course, could be entirely wrong!) that these people want to be able to say they work out for x amount of time but they are still overweight and nothing they do matter how much they work out....

Sorry about the rant...must be having a bad day!!!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams
It's the lunges and squats with the knee jutting out over the foot at least four inches that makes me cringe. My mother needs both knee replaced and she attributes it to improper form on her lunges and squats. It makes me crazy that instructors don't say anything. That is the main reason I gave up on the gym "body pump" classes.

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