Bad childhood memories = Depression...

Hi Carrie,

Please don't be afraid to talk to a therapist. If it wasn't for mine, I would be in an entirely different place of life. More likely where I don't want to be.

They are trained to talk and respond with people. They make you at ease, you will be pleasantly surprised. And belive it or not, they care. Give it a try, you won't regret it.

Many people here, have so many wonderful experiences of life, and can share with you, but you know, why stop at that? Make your life less complicated and get someone to talk to. Sometimes that's all a woman needs. They make you come up with different solutions, and then you decide which solution to pick from for your life. It's really cool how you learn in leaps and bonds with a therapist.

Take care Carrie, and think about talking to someone,


"If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all."
-My mother, Mary Cooper-
Everyone was so helpful... Thank you all for your kind words. It also really helps knowing I'm not alone...I feel better today..."Taking it one day at a time," should be my username;-)

I went back to school, college (majoring in counseling no less, lol) and my kids started back to their school, so keeping busy these last few days has really helped me.

I do believe counseling is my future, to help others I must first help myself...

Although I wasn't able to go into detail, it's was really something that most everyone sort of had an idea...I'm glad I found this forum:)

And thank you all for your support...I'm off to find that special therapist that's right for me...

Well my stiff muscles are off to their nightly bubble bath...especially after my earlier workout with Cathe...

Again, thank you, thank you and thank you again...

Good luck with everyone, and I am also here to listen if anyone would like to talk...

Carrie:) :)
Well, you could do your "journaling" here as you have just done. It does help to get it out. And there are great listeners and advisers and wise people who visit this board.

Another thought - can you create a journal on your computer with a password attached so it cannot be opened? That way it could be private if you don't feel like posting here.

Best wishes for some peace soon . . .

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