Bad Annual Review

It is unusual if you had a good review the previous year. I would hope that during the review they also discussed ways to make improvements. They should have had an action plan or something so you know what you need to do, by when, and what would happen if you can't improve. If I have someone whose performance is not up to standards, I bring it to their attention and will also try to work with them to help them improve. If things ever get to the point that I need to do a verbal warning on performance or attendance, I need to have documentation I can show to HR to prove that this is warranted.

Hope this works out for you. Let us know.
Hi Stringbean -

I had a bad review and questioned my supervisor during the review and defending myself because what she was saying was not true. Such as I never answered the phone when the boss called - I always answered the phone by the second ring and the only time I didn't is if I was sorting mail, restroom run, or lunch break. Was also told I didn't follow-up on stuff - gee I had e-mail proof that I did follow-up on the one thing she said but that wasn't good enough for her. All this stuff she was saying she got from other people. Boy I was mad - considering the previous 2 years I had good reviews - so how could someone go so wrong in a year. I also didn't know it was coming. Needless to say HR didn't do anything for me - and I have since then left the company. If they treat people like that I certainly don't want to work for them.


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