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Well, I just couldn't stand the thought of doing S&H anymore so I am starting my rotation over with MIS. It's been about 6 weeks since I've done it and boy was I working at it last night!! But what a great workout. I'm looking forward to doing it again tomorrow night!

I just finished a 4 week rotation of doing MIS 3x's a week. Now I will do PS for 8 wks and then S&H for 3 weeks. I do hope you warm up to S&H. I find that it is great after doing MIS and PS because then, my strength gains are greater. Like with MIS, I start out relatively light. By the 4th week, I am seeing strength gains. This is the foundation. PS is like building the rest of the house, and to me, S&H is the shutters, mailbox, and all the extra finishing touches. For example, if MIS and PS give my definition in my bis and tris - then S&H will give me that nice vein on the bicep and a visible horseshoe on my tricep. I love it! I am glad you are doing MIS. This is a great workout. Have fun!
I always find it interesting to go back to a workout after doing a different workout for a while. I've been doing a PH/MIS rotation for several weeks, and just recently changed to PS. Going from the full-body-in-one-workout mode to two-to-three-body-parts-at-a-time mode makes the workouts seem shorter, and I can go heavier and put more intensity into each body part.
I think that is one reason I didn't like S&H that much because I felt like the tapes were hours long! I will pick it up again, but not for awhile.

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