Back to business after an injury


Hi Cathe -
This is my first post on your site -So here goes. I was debating what would be a good tape of yours to buy when I found DHC and tried Stepworks. (I did watch it first, although I had to contain myself, it looked so fun!)
Well, I was going great until the figure eights- I got to the second or third time around, and I landed..badly. (The funny thing about this is that as I was landing, I ended up right beside my Boxer, Bugsy...all I could think of was your wedding workout where you mention that "this is where the dog comes in and thinks you're done!")
Well, I had torn the inner and outer ligaments of my left ankle. So I've been in a slow recovery (2 months now),and I still haven't been able to build up to my former activity level or confidence.(To be honest, I have a hard time even watching Stepworks - yikes!) I recently found out that I have hypo-thyroidism and I'm about 30 pounds heavier than I want to be.(I guess that explains why I haven't the energy to start a work-out!) I've never done much weight training, but I'm thinking that may be the way to get started until I feel more confident about my ankle's strength. Which of your tapes would you suggest? (I have the Wedding workout, BodyMax, I-Max, and Step Heat.) I thought maybe I could work with the step set low to do the cardio sections. I really want to get myself back into shape- I've never had low self-confidence until I gained this extra weight, but I'm determined to lose it! Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated. (Sorry this is so long - I just wanted to be sure I got everything in there!) Thanks again, I think you and your crew are so motivating!
Hi, tricial!

I'm not Cathe, but I just want to encourage you to start out slow and steady and stay slow and steady. It's really hard to do this when you're coming back from an injury! You will get there, though, both with exercise and with losing weight, if you have a little patience. (And if you know where to buy some patience, let me know!! I'm always running short.)

If you have access to a physical therapist or sports medicine person, they can be a wonderful help in determining what exercises are appropriate for you and how fast you can expect to progress. I always get cautioned not to try too much too soon!
Thanks for the encouragement, EileenS!

I must say that I so love reading the posts and feeling how supportive everyone is!! Who but Cathe could bring together such a great group of people? I've decided to look at this as a positive time in which I can focus more intently on my goals, and I know I have a positive support group in place!! I haven't found the store where they stock patience yet, but I promise to keep you informed!! Thanks again!
Good idea!

Well, we're in the same boat somewhat.. I have bursitis in my hip, and when it acts up, no impact work for me for a few weeks. This isn't as bad as your ligaments, but it has taught me that "this too shall pass".

Right now, I've decided to focus on ab/core strength until I stretch/strengthen everything again. As an inducement, I bought myself a flexaball (those big exercise balls) and video and plan to have fun (in an exercise-idiot kinda way

Of course, I'm torturing myself right now by watching the premiere of CircuitMax on CatheTV - woowee! what a workout!
Hang in There!

Sorry to hear about your ankle! Torn ligaments are no fun!!! Just to add my .02, I broke my foot pretty badly about 2 months ago. (fell off a ladder) and have had to lay off any impact exercise. (no step, running, kickboxing etc.) So, I got permission from my doctor and continued with my upper body strength program. The good news was that I actually made some improvements as far as muscle building. ( I wasn't so tired from doing all of the cardio, so I could really concentrate on the lifting.) If your doc says its ok, I would suggest resuming upper body workouts. At least it will make you feel like you are doing something and will lift your spirits a little.
PS...Sometimes walking on crutches for any distance feels like a decent cardio workout sometimes, doesn't it!
Happy healing!
Thanks, Lynn!

Great to hear from a someone who's gone through the same stuff. (Aren't crutches the worst - the novelty definitely wears off in about five minutes!) I'm definitely going to take your advice about the upper body workouts. I have okay arms, but I feel they are too big - I want to get that nice, lean (but defined) look! So, now that my course is set - I'm really raring to go! Thanks again, great to hear from you.

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