Back in Shape Finally!


Hello everyone!

Gosh, I don't even remember how long I've been coming to -- maybe since 1999? Anyway, I used to teach aerobics classes in college and I have still maintained all my ACE certifications.

While I was teaching I was able to maintain a high level of cardio fitness. I wasn't too happy with the way my body looked, and I had dabbled with some disordered eating behavior.

Once I stopped teaching I was able to work out for the fun and health of it, and not as a means to a paycheck. That was very freeing for me, but as a result I have been very inconsistent with my workouts. I got into what I thought was the best shape of my life back in 2002. I did a lot of strength training and was amazed by the shape my body took. But for some reason I just stopped -- lost my motivation? Who knows? Anyway, it has been nearly 3 years since I have kept up with a program or a rotation for more than a couple of weeks -- bear in mind that I did have a baby during that 3 year span.

During this time, I have ordered all of Cathe's pre-sale DVD's as they have come out, but they have sat upon a shelf in my empty workout room. I see how advanced these workouts are, and I know I am no longer in the kind of shape to do these workouts yet.

But as of July 1st, I have begun again... And in spite of being a busy working mom, I have found the time to get in some type of workout each day. I feel stupid having to label myself as a beginner, but that is really where I am now. But I see it coming back quickly.

I just don't want to lose steam again. I want to stay motivated and keep seeing results, so that's why I thought I would post (I frequently browse, but hardly ever post). Maybe a few encouraging words each day will keep me energized as I get another inch closer to being in shape.

I will post what type of workouts I have done so far a bit later -- I don't want this to be tooooo long. It will seem light compared to what some of you do -- or compared to what I was once able to do -- but we have to start somewhere, right?

Take care everyone, and feel free to chime in with your thoughts.

I just wanted to say great job! That is awesome that you are working so hard to get in shape and feel good. DOn't worry, it won't be long before you are doing the advanced workouts!
You should visit us in the daily check ins, or one of the other ones. I look foward to chatting, and good luck!

Maeghan AKA megadoo[/img] [/url]
I'm back! I was going to list what I had done so far -- this post will be long, but as I keep up on this, I won't have so much catching up to do -- luckily I have a fitness journal so I can remember what I did each day.

Sat 7/1 -- Cathe's Basic Step (repeated cardio section twice)
Add-Ons from the same DVD
Pilates in the evening

Sun 7/2 -- Low Impact Step
Yoga in the evening

Mon 7/3 -- The "wedding" video (both cardio and strength)

Tues 7/4 -- Mega Step Blast
Pilates in the evening

Wed 7/5 -- Weight Training (basic full body routine)

Thurs 7/6 -- CIA 5004 (cardio) (Christi Taylor)

Fri 7/7 -- Total Body Stretching #1
Total Body Sculpting

Sat 7/8 -- CIA 5004 (step) (Christi)

Sun 7/9 -- Yoga only

Mon 7/10 -- Step Max
Kathy Smith's Lift Weights to Lose Weight

Tues 7/11 -- Step Heat

Wed 7/12 -- Kathy Smith's Lift Weights to Lose Weight 2

Thurs 7/13 -- CIA 7002 - cardio (Christi)

Fri 7/14 -- Step Jam
weight train (basic full body routine)

Sat 7/15 -- Pilates

Sun 7/16 -- CIA 7002 - step (Christi)

Mon 7/17 --Body Fusion + ab Hits

Tues 7/18 -- CIA 9801-cardio (Christi Taylor)

Wed 7/19 -- Christi Taylor Strength Balance & Flexibility

**As you can see, I haven't done any of Cathe's tough strength DVD's yet. I need to work up to them. I have started my rotation with Cathe's beginner DVDs and older workouts along with other stuff.

I'll check in tomorrow (or maybe Friday morning if I end up working out Thurs night)

See you then!
RE: Back in Shape Finally! 7/24

OK -- I need to be better at this updating stuff -- remember I said I would update Thursday or Friday???

Anyway, we've had a bit of a heat wave come through... for the Pacific Northwest, it got a little hotter than we're comfortable -- mid 90's. So keep that in mind as I update you...

Thursday 7/20 -- Total Body Stretching #2 (with the stability ball)

Friday 7/21 -- nothing! Too hot!!

Saturday 7/22 -- CIA 9801 (step section) another video by Christi Taylor
Total Body Stretching #3 (with stability ball)

Sunday 7/23 -- Hot Steps (Kari Anderson)
Yoga at night -- it's called Yoga Cape Cod... anyone heard of it? I bought it because my DH is from Massachusetts, and I thought the scenery would be nice. It's very slow-paced and boring if you ask me. I won't be keeping it

Monday 7/24 -- weight train -- full body routine

Not much Cathe last week -- I need to work up to her, I think, since I am still starting out. I am going through my vast DVD collections and getting rid of some that don't appeal to me anymore. A couple of Kathy Smith DVD's I did the other week are going on e-bay. I might add the Yoga Cape Cod to that. I need to streamline my collection.

I would like to let you know that I have already received compliments on my weight loss, and I've been at this -- what? 3 weeks? Not bad! I've watched my eating, not eating really "clean" but trying for 100 grams of protein a day, and about 2000 calories a day (not starving myself!!!). I keep the fat about 25-30% of calories, so that leaves room for some nice treats now and then. I've had enough of the strict diets and no carbs/low carbs whatever... been there done that!

Have a good day with your workouts everyone.
RE: Back in Shape Finally! 7/24

Tuesday - I did Body Tech with Kari Anderson. Not too hard cardio, fun routine. I combined it with 44 minutes on the elliptical trainer, so it ended up being a nice long cardio workout.

I should mention that on most of my workouts above, I have added some time on the elliptical or exercise cycle to make at least an hour of straight cardio.

I will do the short weight routine at the end of that Body Tech tape tonight.

My Kari Anderson workouts are still on VHS, so I am going to be trying to get rid of them. But I always like to get one last workout out of them before I send them on their way!

Happy Wednesday!!!
RE: Back in Shape Finally! 7/24

I am getting back on the regularity boat as well. I had an injury that stopped my fitness routine dead in it's tracks, and then struggled to be consistent. Summertime is hard for me too, due to traveling and topsy turvy schedules. My children are always doing a different thing, my work schedule is off, things like that create havok. Anyways, I am doing Cathe's July rotation. I have a few modifications - videos I don't have or too high impact adjustments. But, basicly sticken to it. Yesterday, I ran and it felt great but a bit hard on my feet. Today I do Muscle Max. I'm in the third week of the rotation. It's the first time I've ever done one of the rotations designed by someone else. I am enjoying waking up and looking on my sheet to see what's on the menu for the day. I think your rotation looks great and it's so wonderful you're seeing improvements. Maybe, we can cheer each other on and stick to it.
RE: Back in Shape Finally! 7/29

Wouldn't you know it? As soon as I start posting, I have a little setback. Not a big one, but...

My family came down with a summertime flu. My daughter had it the worst - with a fever, cough and vomiting. I was lucky enough to get by without the throwing up (just a slight fever and cough and endless sneezing!)

So Thursday and Friday went by without any workout. Not even a stretch. It's Saturday morning now and I'm still not feeling 100%. I know there's talk about when you can work out and when you shouldn't work out when you're sick... I'm thinking I probably could get a cardio workout in, but I would rather wait one more day until I feel I can breathe better and I'm not coughing during the tough cardio. That would suck!

It is the end of July, and I have been eating right and working out consistently (almost) for about a month. I won't disclose my weight, but down over 5 pounds. I would say I have about 15 more to go. I would even be happy with just 10 more. We'll see how it goes.

I've gone through a lot of my exercise videos and I'm e-baying a whole bunch. I just don't have the patience for VHS anymore, so I'm unloading a whole bunch.

Take care and have a great weekend everyone. Good luck with your workouts!
RE: Back in Shape Finally! 7/30

Ah, yes, first day back into things... I'm thinking I should have waited one more day.

I decided to move into split routines, so I did lower body when I woke up this morning. No big deal. As the day went on I noticed my throat getting really sore -- but I still needed to do my cardio when the baby went down for a nap!

I went with Step Jam again today. I love that workout. I like choreography. But my throat hurt to breathe hard. I finished the workout, but now I can't talk. I'm enjoying a frozen fruit bar now.
RE: Back in Shape Finally! 08/01

Monday -- I worked upper body (split routine) + the first workout from Ab Hits

Today is Tuesday and my cold has moved into my chest. I shouldn't have worked out Sunday. I think that set me back. It is hard to breathe or talk. I'm coughing up LOVELY things!

I don't think I'll do anything tonight. I just need to try not to feel guilty about it.
RE: Back in Shape Finally! 08/02

Did nothing last night -- I'm thinking I'm going to keep it light the rest of the week. Cold is still in my chest. I may not update until I start back with something -- anything...

Setbacks suck! :(

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