Back and Shoulders


Hi Cathe

I'm currently trying to get back in shape after a >1 year long fight with repetitive use/tendon problems in my right wrist, and subsequently my entire arm. I still can't lift much weight yet, I'm talking 2 or 3 pounds is about what my wrist can comfortably handle. While my injury was at it's worst I couldn't work out at all because my hand would get so swollen.

Progressively I felt my posture getting worse and worse and my back and neck are sore a lot, simply cause I couldn't do anything to keep them even moderately strong. My doctors are finally letting me work out again and I feel that by getting my lower and upper back/shoulders back into shape that my pain will reduce.

My question for you is: Can you tell me some specific exercises that can help me strengthen these areas? I have free weights and a balance ball, but no barbell. I also cannot place my bodyweight onto my right hand (hand I had surgery on) so pushups and the like are kind of a no-no as of right now.

Thanks in advance!
Hi, Maddie!
Not Cathe here, but you probably already figured that out.;-)

Here are some good dumbell ("freeweights" refer to both dumbells and barbells, vs. machine weights which are fixed)exercises for the back and shoulders (no bodyweight on the right hand needed...and push-ups aren't necessary to work the front shoulder, and they don't work the back much except as a stabilizer).

For back:
1- or 2-arm lat rows (Cathe does these in quite a few of her workouts).
Reverse flyes work both upper back and rear shoulder (all good for posture).
Rows done with a band (Cathe does these in the Hardcore workouts)

Planks are good for back and core stablity. You can do these with your forearms on the floor, with your bdy straight as a plank of wood, up on your toes.

For shoulder:
If you do chest work like bench presses, you don't need any isolated front deltoid work, so concentrate on side and rear delts.

Overhead presses work all three heads (front, side, back) of the deltoid.

Follow this with lateral raises.

End with rear shoulder flyes: similar to back flyes, but keep your hands a bit farther forward, like you are in an open 'y' formation with the arms. You may have to use very light weights for this move.

It's also good to do rotator cuff exercises as an injury preventative. Holding a band in both hands, with your arms bent at 90-degrees in front of you, keep your elbows stuck to your side, and fan your hands open.

If you need visuals on any back/shoulder exercises, there are very good descriptions and photos at this site, under "exercise instruction":

FYI: Cathe's "Pyramid Upper Body" workout is a dumbell-only upper body workout that works all the upper body muscles, back and shoulders included.

you could also use the Musclemax DVD which has a full body weight/band routine, just substitute dumbbells for the times when Cathe uses barbell or bands and skip the lower body portions.

also kickboxing might be helpful - the punching works arms and shoulders and you can gradually add weight, i.e. hold 1 lb or 2 lb weights while you punch (just make sure they don't fly out of your hands)

good luck

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