Back and arm acne

Could be kerotosis pilaris...retin a or renova works well. Use a tiny bit and it clears it up if that's what it is.
Yeah, definitely the back of arms is probably KP. I see my derm on a regular basis, and she says it's common (and all my friends have it). She prescribed some lotion for me, but I think the idea is to keep it clean and moisturized. Use a neutral soap that doesn't strip your natural oils too much - like Cetaphil.

As far as back/chest/etc. acne or bumps, again use a mild soap, nothing too harsh or fragrant. I love Cetaphil... Also, try to wash towels after use, and a fresh washcloth always. Clean sheets, loose clothing, etc.

Maybe it's all those Cathe vids causing sweat! JUST KIDDING -- I'm definitely one to know about skin issues though.... Take care of yourself!

(Not trying to give med advice...just sharing the wealth from my own experience and what my derm says)

Take care,
I used to have frequent "bacne". A beauty expert mentioned on TV that Dawn detergent is great for curing it. I tried it, and it worked like a charm. I don't get it much anymore.


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
I've got it on my arms, too. In the summer it's not so bad because I use lotion it seems more, but the sun also burns it off, too, I think.

The Dawn, hmmmmmm.... now that's VERY interesting I'll have to try that too, thanks for the suggestion.

It's a problem for me, too. I linked to a great website that I use for all my skin woes. I use the recommendations here and have never been sorry. This website is run by a board certified dermatologist.

Here's an article on Keratosis Pilaris with recommendations on how to treat it:{2DC65540-F0D9-46E0-952C-4EE16ED71807}

Here's a link to all of her articles. There are several on acne and well worth the time it takes to read them.{2DC65540-F0D9-46E0-952C-4EE16ED71807}

Yes, I have it too. On my shoulders, neck and upper back and some on chest. Some days it is worse then others. Never get any on my face.

hi Randi,

I just used Dawn dish soap on a gentle back brush, straight from the bottle (I kept a bottle in the shower) and then rinsed well. I didn't moisturize my back. The theory I'm told is that Dawn has grease fighting agents that take excess oil from the back. Don't know much about the science, all I know is it worked for me and someone else I know. :)



Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
I used to get chest and back acne a lot (but not much on my face) when I was a teen. I think it was hormonally related. It eventually just went away on its own.
Thank you for the links! I read a great article on KP...this is exactly what I have! I am going to try her suggestions.


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