<---Baby......It's COLD Outside!!!!!!

<---high fives Jes... WTG, heiffer!:)
<---is still considering which circuit workout to do
<---is also still considering whether to do it or not
<---thinks all this wavering is her respiratory system's fault
<---excuses, excuses...:p
<---to push, or not to push, zat eez zee gwezt-shun
<---inhaled too much albuterol
<---waves happily to Missy
<---thinks "Aiden Mackenzie" sounds d-r-e-a-m-y:)
<---would actually enjoy having a pair of Homer slippers
<---takes this thread and tries to soothe it in her rocking chair

<---sadly bids this thread, and all my Homer shuffling, sniffling, heiffering biatches goodbye
<---is off to hunt for nutritional neccessities at grocery store
<---then home to ME, since someone said hunters are still looking for White Butts, I mean White tails in the woods, so <---can't ski
<---chat with you all tomarry
<---got a little LowMax in this AM
<---then did Chicken Tortellini Casserole for Kinde Moms Potluck Max
<---posted Snowshoe story
<---added snowshoe pics to picturetrail
<---says pics aren't great, but day was
<---waves bye and must clean house 'cause Kinde mom's potluck is at her own house.


Keep your head in line. Your butt will follow.

<---pops in to say hi
<---admits I did not read all the posts :(
<---is feeling frantic today about the holidays
<---People are driving me nuts

<---never post in this thread
<---says Hi to everyone!
<---did pp this morning and walking lunges
<---butt is sore
<---played in the snow
<---had a ball :)
<---gotta go make dinner :9

<---is done working out for the day.
<---is done with dinner and cleaned up.
<---is ALMOST done wrapping gifts! Just 2 gifts for DH left and ALL DONE!:7
<---is drinking coffee.
<---wonders if anyone is surprised that <---is drinking coffee?
<---swooshes in says HELLOOOO! everybody!
<---just got done w/ dinner w/ the family
<---had an INSANE day at BB&B! lots of fun tho
<---says welcome to Elaine! and Danka Shane
<---hopes Terri destresses soon
<---jumps up and body slams Jes on the pound lost! YAY Girl!
<---wonder what workout Miss Pinky did and hugs her right back
<---doesn't have work tomorrow til 5:30 so will get Xmas shopping done after Imax 1 and getting the boys off to school
<---is off to the store for some "clean" grub
<---hopes everyone is well here in the Wonderful World of Cathe

http://www.3fatchicks.com/weight-tracker/img/bar-retro/cartoonblob01/lb/175/130/143/.png[/img] [/url]

<--did Pinky's Chest & Bk plus Legs & Shoulders routine
<--is feeling the burn!:eek:
<--says "Thanks, Pinky!"
<--is proud of Jes for the weight loss
<--is sleepy today
<--thinks <-- dodged the stomach bug :p
<--knows Michael ready to go to school tomorrow FOR SURE!
<---is happily sipping coffee and catching up on all of todays threads
<---finally finished decorating:7
<---puts up PMS shield
<---tells Shelley <---'s middle son always got sick before xmas
<---finally figured out it had something to do w/bringing in a live xmas tree
<---now has a fake tree:-( , but middle son no longer gets sick:)
<---is going to catch up on all of the other threads
<---merrily bounces out of room

<---is sipping yet ANOTHER cup of coffee!
<---switched to DECAF hours ago so don't worry! ;)
<---is now OFFICIALLY TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY DONE DONE DONE shopping and wrapping! YIPPPEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!:+ :7 :7 :7 :+
<---is doing laundrymax.
<---must do foodshoppingmax tomorrow.
<---must also do dustmax tomorrow.
<---is going to do eatmax tomorrow night at MIL's!}(
<---found out she is making stuffed shells!!!!:9 :9 :9
<---says "OMG! YUMMMMMMM!!!!"
<---wonders if there will be time for EXTRA cardio tomorrow?
<---thinks will need it! }(
<---practices rolling out of thread! :p

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