Baby Constipation


Hi anyone with this problem,

As some of you may know from my earlier thread, my baby had colick. He also had/has reflux (questionable because it has gotten better with medication). Now at 7 months, the poor guy is suffering more than ever from constipation. It actually started at about 4 months and has gotten worse and worse, particulalry with the introduction of solids, waking him at night and during naps with either trapped gas pain or constipation pain. We did everything the doctor advised and after 7 days he would eventually go with a huge soft stool. He would end up in the bathtub. Since adding solids, he would usually have a few hard stools on the 7th and 8th day. My doctor, until the other day, continued to tell me all the things to feed him and me to get him to go. Although loading him up on prunes, etc eventually works, he has to suffer through a weeks worth of gas and constipation before he is relieved. I told the doctor that this was becoming a short term solution to what was looking like a chronic problem, particularly knowing his digestive history. Finally we are going to a specialist.

I was just wondering if anyone else has had this experience.

PS. He is a breastfed baby with occasional supplementation of either simulac regular or soy formula.

Kathy, my daughter also had this problem as a baby and it
started around 3 months. She also had colic and was breast
feed. As she got older the problem became worse. I was
always calling the doctor and changing her diet. She was in
terrible pain and eventually started to hold it because
she knew it would be painful. The doctor put her on Enulose
which really helped her but as soon as we took her off the
problem came right back. The problem persisted until she
was 4 years old. She refused to do a bm on the toilet and
would ask for a pullup. She had a real fear of even trying.
It wasn't until the doctor told her she would need to see a
special doctor that could help her that she lost her fear
of the toilet and started sitting on the toilet for hours until she had success. Long story short, I wish now I had taken her
to a specialist when she was an infant. I should have insisted
this happen but I was afraid of what tests they would put her
through. It probably would have ended years of suffering for
her. She is now fully cured, can eat what she wants and is
very healthy and happy. She gladly seem to have no memory of
it at 7. Good luck to you and I hope the doctors can help you

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Feb-27-02 AT 11:18AM (Est)[/font][p]Teener,

Thank you so much for your email. I know how you feel. I wish I had gone to a specialist when he was colicky and had reflux. Especially since hearing from you, I wonder if all these things are related. We see the specialist tomorrow. I will post what he says.

One question. What did the doctor think was the original cause for the constipation?

Thank you again for sharing your story.


The doctors never seemed too concerned until she refused to
potty train after a year of training. They told me she
would eventually grow out if it. She did, but I feel she
went through alot of unneeded suffering. Good luck at the
doctors today. I would be really interested to hear how
you make out. I hope its a quick and easy solution!

Hi Teener,

Sorry I am just getting back. I am very happy we went to the specialist. Fortunately, because my baby is thriving, it was not necessary to do any of the invasive procedures I had heard about. They simply checked for blood and checked the outside of his tummy/colon area with their hands. They said that although his case of constipation is chronic and we were right to have it checked out, it is not abnormal and he should outgrow it. But, he should not have to suffer in the meantime because it is treatable. The doctor gave us a prescription for a sugary syrup that causes the baby to produce more waste and more water, thus helping move along the waste in his system before it hardens. The doctor also warned us that he may have a problem with opening the door when the doorbell rings. This sounds like what may have happened with your daughter. He told us how we could help with that too. He also told us we could give him milk of magnesium if the syrup alone didn't work. He is already doing 100% better. We also discovered that he has outgrown the reflux.

I hope someone with a similar situation reads this and finds this helpful.


Thanks for letting me know how you made out. I'm so glad
it was an easy fix! I hate to see little ones be put through
scary tests. My daughter still has a real fear of the doctors.
Good luck.


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