Baby Aspirin


I realize this isn't the "TTC Forum," so I hope you all won't mind me asking a question since I am not pregnant yet. Anyway, I was taking a baby aspirin a day for reasons not relating to TTC, but during the "waiting period" I don't take them. I thought if you weren't supposed to take aspirin when you are pregnant (got that info from this forum) that you shouldn't take baby aspirin when there was a chance you might be pregnant. SO, I was on the web site, and I see that people are discussing taking b.a., Robitussin, etc. at various times in their cycle to improve their chances of conceiving. I don't use the forums there just the software for TTC, but that one thread stuck out to me. Can anyone educate me on any of this??!! I suppose I should ask my doctor, but I thought I'd give it a shot here! I hope this makes sense.........
I was instructed to take a baby aspirin daily while I was undergoing infertility treatments. It is thought to improve the chances of conceiving (increased blood flow, anti-inflammatory effects). I was instructed to continue through my pregnancy. I would only DO THIS UNDER THE CARE AND ANDVISEMENT OF A MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL. There are risks associated with it based on some studies (especially during the first trimester). I believe some studies even found it increased the risk of miscarriage. It seems there are always studies contradicting one another, which makes medicine challenging. Baby aspirin may also be prescribed to women diagnosed with PIH (Pregnancy Induced Hypertension) AKA Preeclampsia, but PIH doesn't develop until after 20 weeks.

Guaifenesin, an active ingredient in various cough meds including Robitussin, liquefies mucus throughout the body. If a woman has limited fertile cervical mucus, Guaifenesin helps to liquefy it. It is also important to drink plenty of water to improve mucus. TCOYF (Taking Charge Of Your Fertility) mentions Guaifenesin for this purpose.


Edited for clarification. :)

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