B & G butt-blasting REmix!


Last night, I tried my own version of B&G : warm-up, then ankle-weight segment, followed by the Leg Blast premix (except for the final round of walking lunges, because my legs just couldn't take any more!).

I wanted to try it this way to prioritize muscles that need more work by doing them first (glutes and inner thighs, hit during the ankle-weight segment), and, judging by the DBDOMS (that's "Deep-buttock Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness) that I was already feeling getting out of bed this morning, it certainly targeted that area!
OMG Kathryn LOMAO at DBDOMS :D :D :D That sounds like a killer workout. Not sure I'll try it real soon though.

I did my own mix and match today of B&G. Squats, DL, firewalkers, one-legged squats and walking lunges and repeat. I did my own variation with the one-legged squats and lunges. I used 12 pounds on both. With the one-legged squats I just did as many as I could on each leg instead of low ends etc. On the walking lunges I just did regular walking lunges as many as I could. I'll see how this pans out later in terms of DBDOMS LOL!! :+ :+



Doesn't good chaptering make working out fun?

Caution: excessive DBDOMS may make all sitting and standing activities difficult. Perhaps best not to drink too much fluids the day after a DBDOMS-inducing workout, if you get my drift!

Another thing that may have added to my DBDOMS: since there are 2 sets of firewalkers, I modified the second set (just for fun!) by doing 7 steps in one direction (ie: right foot lead) keeping constant tension on the band by never bringing my feet completely together, turning on the 8th count so I was facing the side wall, then walking 7 alternating steps back (right foot back and out at about a 45-degree angle, left foot back and out), turning to the front on step 8 (make it a combo back step and turn), then doing 7 steps in the opposite direction (ie: left foot lead), turning out toward the side wall on step 8 and repeating the backward walk. And one of the places where it is sore right now is where I felt it during the backward/diagonal steps.

Another modification I've used for the walking lunges (but not this time...maybe next time!) is to do four steps forward (turn the pulsing squat into another lunge) then four steps back (just don't turn around and go backward the way you came). I decided to try that after reading a blurb in Women's Health (or M&F Hers?) that backward movement targets the glutes more.
>>Another modification I've used for the walking lunges (but not this time...maybe next time!) is to do four steps forward (turn the pulsing squat into another lunge) then four steps back (just don't turn around and go backward the way you came). I decided to try that after reading a blurb in Women's Health (or M&F Hers?) that backward movement targets the glutes more.

I like the sound of that move!! Will have to try it. I like reverse lunges anyway and to add the reverse walking lunges could be interesting to say the least :eek:

Those firewalkers get me everytime!! I had intended on doing three sets this morning, but got distracted and didn't. Your variation sounds like a very evil one }(



>. I like
>reverse lunges anyway and to add the reverse walking lunges
>could be interesting to say the least :eek:

And if you do them this way, you've already walked the path forward, so you know there aren't any obtacles in the way! (Unless a pet decides to walk behind you during them...but to avoid that, you could just make a 'beep-beep-beep-beep' sound, like delivery trucks do! LOL!)
Kathryn, good grief! Those firewalkers sound killer! And I'm going to try them this week - B&G (original) is on the schedule. I may even be brave and try the walking lunges too. Thanks!
Kathryn, thanks for this. I tried it tonight. It was a GREAT workout!!! I liked doing the ankle weight segment first. This allowed me to do it all without having to take an extra break or having to take off the ankle weights since I wasn't fatigued from a workout yet.

I have been doing other workouts (Jari Love, CIA, BBC) and I really enjoyed getting back to Cathe tonight. She definitely puts the yowza back into working out. I enjoyed the music and the workout so much tonight!
That is great suggestion. I find the ankle weight segement to be a killer in this workout. I talk not nicely to Cathe through this entire segement. }( :7

I love firewalkers and use a heavy band for them and I also have come to love walking lunges and use 8lbs for those.

B&G rocks.:7

Thanks for sharing, Kathryn! I am going to try your routine this evening for my workout. I had planned on Legs & Glutes, but I think I'll do your workout instead.

Keep the great ideas coming our way!


Ok, Kathryn! I tried your suggested G&G Butt Blasting REmix last evening!

I have a very hard time working my lower body because it is so strong. I seldom get to failure no matter what routine I use.

I usually breeze through any Leg Workout.

But you created the Mother of all Leg and Glute Workouts!

My muscle fibers were twitching all over the place.

While I was able to complete the entire workout, it was no easy task at the end.

I used the Medium Band for the first set of Firewalkers and the Purple (heavy) band for the second set of Firewalkers.

I followed your workout with the Low Impact Circuit Cardio Add-On, mostly to loosen my legs which were still tight after the cool-down on the video.

That being the case, I did Stretch 3 from Stretch Max that uses the band and focuses more on the lower body than the other two stretches on Stretch Max..

Today I have a little soreness in my upper thighs and a little in my glute area. My hamstring musclse are also a bit sore.

I plan to use your workout again and again as it really works the glutes and legs. Your workout sequence is one of the best ever for the lower body!

All in all, it was one of the best leg routines I've ever tried and I've tried almost all of Cathe's lower body workouts.

It was even harder that Gym Style for Legs!

Thanks again for sharing!
Glad you liked it, Amy!

Here's another option: Butts and Guts Remix 2: Same workout as above, but do deadlifts right after the ankle-weight work (I'm a sucker for glute DOMS!).
Thanks so much! I like glute work too and welcome any tips you can give me/us.

I know your last Remix about fried me, but in a good way!


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