Avatar instructions~SNM?~


Can anyone help me post a pic on my profile with instructions on how to use the avatar-I don't even know what that word means!I have aol 8.0 if that is of any help, TIA
Hi Francine,
Have you figured out how to post a picure yet? If not you can call me and my Husband could explain it. He put mine up for me and it was really quick. I think it is like having your pic somewhere and putting the URL address in the avatar spot. I am not very good with that sort of thing. Still learning.
Diane Sue
Just checking to see if the one I just did is working....you can ignore this...and I'll have to do some serious editing in PhotoShop before I could put up a bathing suit pic! :eek:
Hi WD! I still haven't figured it out yet! Can I send you a pic and your hubby can shrink it for me and then send it back to me to put on my profile? If not I'll give you a buzz Sunday afternoon to get schooled:p PS love your bikini shots You Look fabulous Darling!
Hi Francine
Yes send the picture and my husband said he woould be glad to do it for you.
DIane Sue
I'm having one heck of a time trying to re-size my picture (any one of them!) to the 48 x 48 pixel requirement. I have Adobe Photo Deluxe Home Edition 4.0 and HP (Hewlett Packard) software (Photo and Imaging Director) and when I re-size to 48 x 48 pixels, it looks like a flea-sized something or other. I usually have it around 90 or 120 pixels, (or more).

Are there are any basic instructions out there for re-sizing your photos? TIA!


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