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School can be a bad place with bullies acting out. I don't put up with anything like that, but unfortunately, kids work behind the scenes and you don't know everything that goes on.

That is not acceptable to me. I was actually in a meeting with my principal and compared one of my students to a snake. She is too much and lies, steals, bullies, etc.

Know that I love kids, but they can be so mean. All of the interventions I have in place do not work sometimes. Every spring when the weather warms and school is about to be out, there are huge problems. There is drama like you would not believe.

I have been teaching for nine years and I see it every year. I was bullied when I was a kid. I don't know why they are so mean. It doesn't make sense to me. There are tons of nice kids out there that accept everyone.

My question is.....Why are kids so mean at times? It drives me crazy.

First off, . . uhmmm can you be my kids teachers? You sound like a very kind hearted caring teacher that does it for the joy of teaching. Bravo to you. I always like to joke about how teaching would be great if it weren't for the parents, . . because ugh, . .and I hope I don't get flamed for this but I feel like for the most part bad kids are the result of bad parents. I hate to make a comparrasion to dogs but it seems like good well behaved dogs are the result of good parents who take the time to teach them.

My husband was bullied terribly as a child, . .even in high school where it is worse than in elementary school.

It just seems like nowadays kids are much more sassier and rude.

The irony is that because of my son's autism he is the kid that accepts everyone for who they are even the kids that eat paste, . . or are physically different. He does not get that by befriending everyone his friends think he is "weird." or that by ALWAYS telling the truth, . .he friends think that he is a pushover.
HAHA!! I've said for years I couldn't teach because of the parents. There are two dominant types - the overparenting and underparenting. And the ones that break the school rules - at school!! NO wonder the kids are disobedient.

And my daughter ALWAYS makes friends w/ the "weird" ones. She took a little boy under her wing the last two years - and he is lower functioning autism. They don't see the weirdness. Too bad we aren't all like that. Again, it's a blessing if you choose to see it that way.

Gloria - I PMd you.
I will never understand why my daughter is soothed by wearing Cathe's 10 lb. weight vest around! She sometimes sleeps with it on her stomach. I tried it. Does nothing for me.

Wow what a great idea for Cathe's weighted vest. Really GREAT idea! I have a weighted blanket that I used for my son when he was younger. The weight is the same concept as Temple's squeeze machine. They feel soothed by the pressure.
dh is good for the squeeze hugs! viola is a very active child. water is her thing and the trampoline.

she HATE having her head touched though from washing her hair to brushing it. i have to keep it short to keep it manageable and dh hates it but then again he isn't doing morning routine so he has absolute no say on that sorry!

i think i take the criticisms and what not more then she does. sometimes i think she doesn't notice but i do believe she has to hear what they are saying. she does have some sense of what is nice and what is not nice. like she knows "stupid" is not a nice thing to say and will call anybody out on it "that's not nice to say!"

i did have an incident where a child around the corner was making fun of the kids on her bus. i have never hated a child but i seriously hate this kid. there is other history from foul language lunged at us(esp. my dh) to vandalism in our neighborhood, the whole making fun of a physically disabled child was the straw that broke the camel's back to me. viola doesn't notice and she doesn't talk to him at all doesn't even acknowledge his presence but me i feel my anxiety and blood pressure shoot up at the sight of him! i just can't believe how rude and ignorant his little arse is.

she HATE having her head touched though from washing her hair to brushing it.

I actually have video of my son when he was 3 screaming his head of when he would have to take a bath because he hated having his hair washed. I was always worried that the neighbors would call the police. Now he loves to swim, . . .go figure.
My daughter loves swimming also. She's told me it's two things - under water it's quiet and the equal pressure around her body feels good.

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