August Rotation Check-In--8/19/05

Didn't get home until close to 11:00 p.m. so no workout today. Here is my new schedule...still hoping to finish it by Aug. 30(leaving me room for one more rest day if I need it to finish by Aug. 31)
Tomorrow: HSTA plus KPC abs(pikes 2 x's)
Su: Step Work plus 20 min. Ab Hits
M: GS Legs/400 sit ups/50 push ups
T: Ckicks plus Imax Intervals 6-10
W: BC WU&Cardio or 3 mile run/MM/PLB stability ball only
Th: Rest
F: Imax 3 plus 200 walking lunges & 200 sit ups
Sa: ME plus 15 min. of Ab Hits
Su: KM
M: GS legs/3 mile run or substitute other cardio

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