August Rotation 08/25/05


Good morning!

Today was supposed to be Boot Camp, but I went really heavy yesterday with ME and I was craving cardio, so I substituted. I did Step Blast and the Kick Max drills, then a good stretch!

Have an awesome day. Last few workouts!


I start week 4 today. Will swim at lunch, and then this afternoon will be 3 mile run, MM and PLB ball. I find running in the afternoon is better for my achilles, it is awake then.

Almost there!
Good morning!

Bootcamp today, kinda easy for once! Didn't do the drills, did them on Saturday and today was the first day of school. Just had to get my first day pics of my 3rd grader!

Have a great day everyone!
good morning all!
I am feeling tired and I didn't feel like doing Bootcamp either. I also overslept I ran/walked on the TM...this afternoon, I'm taking a 45mins Bootcamp type of workout at the good to go!!

YEAH!! woohoo..2 more workouts!!

are you guys taking a recovery week next week before your next rotation??? just wondering and what are you gonna do? wait for cathe's september rotation??? let me know!!

take care:)
Hi ladies,

I stuck to the schedule today. Did Bootcamp and the KM Intensity drills. Took about 75 min. total. Bootcamp did seem easier today.
Only 2 more workouts... Yeah!!

Have a great day:)!

After five days of not working, I started with Boot Camp this morning. Didn't have time for the KM drills, will either do them tonight after work or I may add them on to Saturday's workout.

I'm going to do the workouts that I missed next week to finish up the month.
Okay ladies,

Good morning to you all! We are almost at the end. I have completed today's schedule early this morning. So I am happy to say:

Boot Camp - Done!
Kick Max Intensity Drills - Done!

Onto GS Legs Tomorrow + 3 Miles? Lord help us!

I will probably take at least 4 days off. The pool closes for maintenance August 28-Sept 5, so will already by cutting back starting next week. I should finish this rotation on Wednesday August 31, so will wait until Sept 4 or 5 to start something new.
Hi guys!

Last night I did Muscle Max instead of Muscle Endurance. Today will be an off day, and then tomorrow a.m., I will try to do Boot Camp before work. Will be finishing up the rotation on Sunday, which is my birthday, so it is good timing. My mother in law's birthday is the same day, and we have cake and ice cream planned! YUM!

I am debating about what to do next week also. I think that I will try to take a rest week and do some yoga or pilates and low-impact cardio to give my joints a break. Then, after I see what Cathe has planned for us for September, I will decide whether to follow or do an endurance-rotation. Prior to this month, I have been doing mostly heavy weight work, so I think I will continue with more emphasis on circuit and endurance work for a little longer.

I am pleased with what I was able to do, even though I've had to modify.

Have a great day!

Sandra S.
Hi Everyone!


KM- well...sort of check!...
I misread the rotation and did KM leg conditioning drills instead of the intensity drills. Ah well...

I am not sure what I'll do for the rest of the month. I'm thinking some lighter cardio and yoga ... I guess I'll see how I feel.

Have a good one! DH is home today after a month away ... can't WAIT!
:) :) :)

Cath :)
Hi, would anyone of you do this rotation again? I started it and wanted to finish it, but I really did not enjoy it. Did everyone else like this rotation? Good job everyone.
Hello Everyone:

Today's workout: Muscle Endurance and 15.5 min of Abs Works!!!
Three more workouts to go, YEAH!!!

I'm feeling really good. Lots of the soreness is gone, just need a hot soaking.

I have followed this plan strictly as prescribed, having to order quite a few new DVDs, :) :) :) .

I would definitely do this again. I have never been pushed so hard and loved all of it.

I'll be done on Sunday, so next week will be Yoga, Pilates, and anything free flow.

Love you ALL and keep up the good work.

I hardly ever post, but I can't stay away, so I have to let you know that I'm here all the time too, working out hard.

Have a Wonderful Day!!!
Hi Everyone!

Finished Bootcamp and Kickmax. My legs are tired, but in a good way.

Karen - I would definitely do this rotation again. I am thinking of incorporating it in about every third month. Maybe every second. I will see how I feel in October.

After my one rest day, I jumped back in and did ME today. I felt good during, but for the next couple of hours I felt pretty awful. Think I may have not had enough calories for some reason. I didn't eat anything for 1.5 hours after finishing and finally had to have some milk with protein powder in it because I was starting to get faint. I usually don't eat anything after working out until 2-2.5 hours later. Not sure what is going on. I feel tired again, so don't think I had a long enough rest. I felt great yesterday and now dragging again, and I did get enough sleep.

I just can't stomach doing Boot camp again, and I don't want to do any sort of weights before the 2 gym styles, so I'm going to do a steady state cardio tomorrow. Probably RS.

Have a good one.
I would definitely do this rotation again! It pushed me to a whole new level, and now I can't imagine going back to 30-45 minute workouts at a moderate intensity. (Well, except for a rest period when I wrap this rotation.)

I did MM and PLB ball last night, with the three miles. I really liked MM; it's the first time I did it. I expect to finish the rotation on Wednesday of next week.
>Hi, would anyone of you do this rotation again? I started it
>and wanted to finish it, but I really did not enjoy it. Did
>everyone else like this rotation? Good job everyone.

I think if I did it again, I would make some compensation for my swimming. I ramped my swimming up from 2000 yards 3 per week, to now this week 3000 5 per week. I could do the swim ramp up, I could do the rotation, but doing both at a time made me a little tired, so had to throw extra rest days in.

What did not happen, and I feared it might, was my back did not act up, in fact, it is feeling better than it has in a long time.

I also really, really, really dislike running, and would find a substitute(I guess swimming?) for that.
Today is gymstyle legs and run.I have done legs and abs so now I will have to do my run.It looks like 6lbs is going to be my final loss for the rotation.I am starting it again next week-already have it logged down and ready to go.I have hsta upper two times -step blast and imax6-10 on my rotation for tommorrow-sat ? and finish with hc gymstlye upper on Sunday.
Hey everyone!
Did Bootcamp and KM tonight. Can't believe there's only 2 more days. I would also do this rotation again, but not for awhile, maybe once a year right after the holidays;-) Have a great evening, Sue
'Evening, fellow Campers!

Today was the 3 mile run, which I had to do first because I had a partner, followed by PS SL&A (subbed out for GymStyle Legs).

This rotation has really helped me to take it up a notch. Today actually seemed pretty easy, and I used a bit more weight on PS than I had in the past, but it still wasn't enough.

I don't know yet about specific results such as weight loss, inches, and the like, but I will absolutely repeat this rotation in the future. I think I needed the push to get my workouts to a higher level, and this has done it for me.

I think I will try out Slow & Heavy after Saturday in anticipation of the new rotation. I have not done those yet. Or I may just do Firms & running for a few days, to be totally different! Or RS...I need to try that out and learn it too.....choices, choices.

Have a great day tomorrow, y'all:)


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