Hi ladies! I missed you all! Not that I went anywhere - just haven't had a chance to check in.
Weekend was good. Saturday we did the egg hunt at my SILs which was fun. Then I took the boys to the White Sox game. OMG, I don't think I've ever been that cold in my life. I had on two sweaters and a winter coat but was chilled to the bone. The boys handled it a bit better than me! We wound up getting out of out seats and standing in the sun where it was a bit more bearable. We left at the 7th inning - I couldn't take it anymore and the boys didn't care - they had spent all their money! Easter was OK - I made a ham for just us and then we went to my parents for dessert. My dad is actually doing a bit better. His spirits are up a bit.
Chris, I had to laugh at your church story.
I swear, our kids would get along fabulously!! I've had identical experiences at mass. DH doesn't usually go, so I just take the boys after CCD. Someone is always hungry.
Speaking of church...this is kind of funny, but if you're easily offended, skip this!
So, we're in mass Easter Sunday. Yes, me and the boys. DH stayed home with Caitlyn who was still a bit sick from strep. So, they pass out flyers for vacation bible school before mass. Some of our friends have sent their kids and they really liked it. I was telling the boys maybe I'll send them. Jameson was not going for it - he said we've been going to CCD for 8 months and we only have two more weeks, why do we have to go in the summer? I told them it was more like a camp and they play games, etc. Well, Ian (here's the potentially offensive part!), says, what do they play, Pin Jesus on the cross? OMG - I about died. Here we are in church - I was afraid we were about to be struck down right there! On Easter at that! OK, I admit it - I did have to laugh a bit! And, we made it through the mass without lightening striking us!
Beth, Caitlyn had some kind of reaction this weekend, too. She tried Nutella once and broke out, so I figured she must be allergic to hazelnuts so I've never given her anything with it since (about two years ago). Well, the kids got some chocolate carrots in their baskets. Caitlyn ate one and a few minutes later she tells me her throat is itchy. I didn't think too much about it because she had strep. It did look a bit swollen, but I figured it was from the strep. Then she was getting really stuffy. And, her neck and upper arms got red. I called the doctor and they said to give her benadryl. I did and the redness went away pretty quickly. I couldn't figure out what it could have been from until I was thinking about what she might have eaten and looked at the carrot wrapper and it said the ingredients were chocolate and hazelnuts. So, now we know for sure she's allergic to them. I need to call the doctor and see if we should do more testing to see if she's allergic to any other nuts - I'm a bit nervous now.
Chris, wow, that seems like a really high suger count! That has got to be so stressful. Yep, I've been digging in the Easter candy, too. Can't seem to control myself!
Kathy, sounds like you had a great trip! Welcome back! I didn't even notice the August title! Shows how observant I am!
Beth, did you do the second legs from Meso 2 today. I'm doing that tomorrow and based on how I felt last week - I'm scared!
OK, time to stop babbling and post my actual workouts!! I did nothing this weekend. Yesterday was Meso 2 - 16, I think. Chest, shoulders, triceps. I'm not feeling it too much yet, but I'm sure I will! I'm going for an itread run during my lunch today to work off some of the chocolate I've been inhaling!
BBL...have a great day all!