August Check In ***Tuesday 14th***


Hi ladies....

Hope everyone is doing great this morning!!

Today will be Drill max timesaver cardio premix and medicine ball abs...I am feeling big time DOMS today..Chest more so than the back. But, they are both sore...

Chris: Good for you for getting those sweets gone..I ended up with a handful of m&ms and a couple of dove dark chocolates yesterday(those are my favorites!!) I didn't think the breaks were too long either. I needed them and took advantage with stretching and sipping water too..

Beth: Glad Travis didn't have strep!

Hello to everyone else..time to start my day..

Back later!
Kathy!! August! Are you fantasizing? I 'd love it to be august!

It's not quite 24 hrs, and I'm feeling DOMS definitely in my back AND chest from first workout of MESO 3 yesterday! Who wouldof thunk? ;) Esp after a rest week, right?

... I'm glad to hear you felt the same way about the WO yesterday and the rest periods. AND.. I ended up stress eating last night... about 1/2 dozen Italian bakery cookies after finding out my son's blood sugar was 550! Ironic, isn't it? Oh..and there was also that handful of Jelly Beans! :confused: I felt like a swollen tick this morning, my rings were so tight and my pants! Hitting it hard today and the rest of the week for sure.

I hope Travis feels better. how long do they wait for the long Strep test? It sucks if he really does have it, hopefully he gets better on his own. QUICKLY, right? You all sounded quite full of energy yesterday... hope you put it to good use! LOL!

Ok, heading downstairs to do Drill Max Timesaver Cardio Blast and then Med Ball Abs. I'm also going to head to the park for a runny-poo later!! ..

Did you guys watch Cathe's video clip of the drills? Makes me want to go buy some cones!! It looked fun! I bet the boys would like it too....
When I saw August I thought that the forums must have somehow gotten messed up with the switch to the new, and it was some really old post! :D

Good morning! Travis actually feels fine -- he just has a cough and the rash. The rash is mostly gone this morning, but still has some on his face, of all places! I feel sort of funny sending him to school, but I'm not keeping him home!

I feel big-time doms in places I don't ever remember feeling them this morning (from legs). Like higher up in my butt! Boy it was tough doing the boot camp drills -- original, plus the cardio quick fix which I subbed in some kettlebell swings. Probably good to keep moving! I did some extra stretching.

I saw the start of the clip with the cones, Chris. She used cones in her boot camp class last road trip. I think that shock cardio is going to be really hard! Was wondering if we wanted to wait for the second round of STS til that comes out, but I'm not sure we'll want to.....

Theoretically it's back to work for me today, but the parking structure is closed, and parking is insane anyway, so I'm not sure quite what I'm going to do. I really need to get my taxes mailed!!

Have a great day!

Hi ladies! I missed you all! Not that I went anywhere - just haven't had a chance to check in.

Weekend was good. Saturday we did the egg hunt at my SILs which was fun. Then I took the boys to the White Sox game. OMG, I don't think I've ever been that cold in my life. I had on two sweaters and a winter coat but was chilled to the bone. The boys handled it a bit better than me! We wound up getting out of out seats and standing in the sun where it was a bit more bearable. We left at the 7th inning - I couldn't take it anymore and the boys didn't care - they had spent all their money! Easter was OK - I made a ham for just us and then we went to my parents for dessert. My dad is actually doing a bit better. His spirits are up a bit.

Chris, I had to laugh at your church story. :) I swear, our kids would get along fabulously!! I've had identical experiences at mass. DH doesn't usually go, so I just take the boys after CCD. Someone is always hungry.

Speaking of church...this is kind of funny, but if you're easily offended, skip this! ;) So, we're in mass Easter Sunday. Yes, me and the boys. DH stayed home with Caitlyn who was still a bit sick from strep. So, they pass out flyers for vacation bible school before mass. Some of our friends have sent their kids and they really liked it. I was telling the boys maybe I'll send them. Jameson was not going for it - he said we've been going to CCD for 8 months and we only have two more weeks, why do we have to go in the summer? I told them it was more like a camp and they play games, etc. Well, Ian (here's the potentially offensive part!), says, what do they play, Pin Jesus on the cross? OMG - I about died. Here we are in church - I was afraid we were about to be struck down right there! On Easter at that! OK, I admit it - I did have to laugh a bit! And, we made it through the mass without lightening striking us!

Beth, Caitlyn had some kind of reaction this weekend, too. She tried Nutella once and broke out, so I figured she must be allergic to hazelnuts so I've never given her anything with it since (about two years ago). Well, the kids got some chocolate carrots in their baskets. Caitlyn ate one and a few minutes later she tells me her throat is itchy. I didn't think too much about it because she had strep. It did look a bit swollen, but I figured it was from the strep. Then she was getting really stuffy. And, her neck and upper arms got red. I called the doctor and they said to give her benadryl. I did and the redness went away pretty quickly. I couldn't figure out what it could have been from until I was thinking about what she might have eaten and looked at the carrot wrapper and it said the ingredients were chocolate and hazelnuts. So, now we know for sure she's allergic to them. I need to call the doctor and see if we should do more testing to see if she's allergic to any other nuts - I'm a bit nervous now.

Chris, wow, that seems like a really high suger count! That has got to be so stressful. Yep, I've been digging in the Easter candy, too. Can't seem to control myself!

Kathy, sounds like you had a great trip! Welcome back! I didn't even notice the August title! Shows how observant I am!

Beth, did you do the second legs from Meso 2 today. I'm doing that tomorrow and based on how I felt last week - I'm scared!

OK, time to stop babbling and post my actual workouts!! I did nothing this weekend. Yesterday was Meso 2 - 16, I think. Chest, shoulders, triceps. I'm not feeling it too much yet, but I'm sure I will! I'm going for an itread run during my lunch today to work off some of the chocolate I've been inhaling!

BBL...have a great day all!

I had to do a double take as I also thought the forum went wonky :D Thanks Kathy for getting us all started after the Holiday weekend

Today is my 'weekend' from my workouts; been consistent with them so its all good. The weekend was cool I ended up indulging in some Cold Stone ice cream cupcake (DD makes them at work and brought some home once she closed the store) and a bunny cake... I felt so ick after that as my stomach was completely protesting. I was right there with you Chris :eek:

Nothing much going on here.

Beth my oldest DD had that scarlet fever when she was 5 and it was from strep throat - her entire torso was blushed red and she was really sick. Here's hoping your son gets feeling better soon.

you are brave to sit out in that cold stadium for a ballgame - I would have wussed out immediately as my body is allergic to the cold ;)

Joanne, I loved your Easter story -- it's something one of my boys would say if they even knew enough to. Your story about Caitlyn and the nuts is scary!! Probably should have her tested even if she'll hate it! She's been through much worse, but I'm not sure she'll see it that way.....

Chris, I forgot to mention way to go on doing more running and getting the compliment about running/looking thin! Fun! Especially when you're eating's not been so clean.

Vilma -- scary about the scarlet fever! Wow! The dr. really seemed unconcerned, and his teacher told me that one other child had a mysterious rash but it went away on its own. Strange!

I'm at work -- I parked about 1/2 mile away only to find the garage open and mostly empty because everyone else had parked on the street! Funny.

Got my taxes mailed, whooo-hoooo!

I'm very chatty today..... I meant to tell you guys.... I saw a thread on vf forum debating about doing plyo or strength legs in meso3 -- turns out some people are doing both!!! I'd love to hear what our meso 3-ers think of that idea! ;) I think someone there is doing meso 2 legs with plyo during meso 3, too.

Checking in with itread 25 - 40 minutes done. Yea!

Beth, I've thought about doing two leg workouts a week. Plyo legs could definitely be considered a cardio workout! But, I can't do the squat routines in Meso 3 - I don't have a squat rack and don't want to invest in a weighted vest. I'm a bit skeered of going heavy for legs, too - I'm afraid I'll bulk. I keep trying to fit in a plyo legs, but never seem to do it! The one I did during Meso 1 was really fun and tough!

How do they test for allergies? Do they still do the scratches? Caitlyn would probably freak over that! She's very skittish about anything doctorish, with good reason, of course. But, it's probably a good idea. I was very close to running over to my neighbors to get the epi pen that I know they have just in case she got worse.

Chris - ditto on your compliment and running! Way to go!

Vilma, one of my kids had scarlet fever when they were younger, too. Is it terrible I can't remember which one?? Probably Ian - poor kid always got the worst of whatever was going around.

I just got off the phone with Colin's art teacher. They got report cards last week and Colin's was really bad. He's been getting just about all A's and this time everything went down, some way down and he got 3-4 C's. One of those was in Art. How do you get a C in art? I figured it most be goofing off and not doing what you are supposed to. So, I called her and I was basically right. He's not turning in his projects and he's not bringing them home to finish them, which she gives them the option of doing. She said the entire 4th grade class is a challenge and there are several kids that are very disruptive. She said all the teachers agree that it is one of the most challenging classes that the school has ever had. Great. Colin's not disruptive, but she said everyone is suffering because of these kids. I told her to please let us know when he hasn't turned in an assignment, so we can make sure he does it. We're also going to meet with his main teacher for the other stuff - not sure what's going on with him. Parenting is so fun, isn't it?? ;0
Hi ladies..

LOL!!! I thought I would keep you guys on your toes and make sure you are paying attention. LOL!!! You all passed!!! I just put the a and my drop down box came up and I selected. I guess I was still alseep..
Hey Hey!

Well, plans changed. I did indeed do the Drill Max premix, which was a good fun sweat! .. and then the Med Ball Abs after that. BUT.. DH took me to the Bike shop and we picked up my "birthday" bike! (My bday is May 7th, but he wanted to order it early enough). He also bought me a helmut, and off I went !... for a 50 minute bike ride! It was fun, I like to ride!!! I rode to the park, around the park and was thinking it would be fun to ride TO the park, do a run, and then ride back one day... but I have to get a bike lock first !

So anyways, I had fun!

Beth: good to hear your son is doing better! Yes, my arse hurt big time after Meso 2 legs. All in my BUTT! Thanks for the compliment on my running and "thin compliment"!! I reallly want to run more. I don't think I'd do both leg workouts for Meso 3, I think I'd rather do the Plyo and then try to lean out with running / biking to see how that goes first.

Joanne: I loved your church story! My boys would so say that too! I think we have cloned boys or something... You guys always make me feel better about my crazy kids too! Wow on the Nutella thing with caitlyn. I would for sure bring her in! Has she had other nuts before without problems?... Back to it this week. I "hid" the jelly beans and everything else, but cc cookies for the boys, is locked up. Hope you enjoyed your TM run today!.... Oh no on Collin's report card. Not to make excuses , but to make you feel a little better , I hope , I have to tell you what Zach's teachers AND my SIL , who is a teacher , told me. Apparently , the 3rd quarter in school is NOTORIOUS for kids doing "worse" . The kids get too comfortable, and also, it stops being a review from last year, and they get into the thick of new stuff. Zach is expected to have more C's than usual. Alex's report card showed a reflection in his FOOLING AROUND too. Jake was the only one that improved! ...

Gotta run for now, will BB after supper to finish!!
Joanne, re: allergy tests -- yes, it's like a prick all up and down your back (a full grid) -- at least that's what it was when I did it a year or so ago. Kids just don't like to be pricked, do they?

Chris, so fun on the bike!! I was just thinking about how I need to get my bike back in working order. There's just something fun about being on a bike and feeling like a kid again. Did ya' get streamers?!

I've got to clean! Procrastinating!!


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