August 2015 Fit Mommas Check-in

Hi Lisa,
Great work on your continued STS dabbling and KCM hi/lo! I agree, I really like KCM's personality (from my limited experience with her).

Yesterday I went for a LONG leisure walk (at least 2 hours, it was great!) with stroller and today was GSF2: conventional deadlifts, pull-ups, and a superset of kroc rows and palloff presses. The superset got me seriously huffing and puffing -- I was finished, no need for a finisher! :) It was a LONG workout today, probably ~1:20. I need more rest between sets of DLs and pullups, I guess.

Off to squeeze in a quick nap while DD naps... I'm terribly tired today for no good reason!

I hope to get to my email soon... somehow the end of summer is sweeping me away with it! Things are so busy.
Big hugs,
P.S. Amazingly, I keep forgetting about the CBCC. I just sneak little spoonfuls when I remember! I almost prefer its lesser sweetness to the real deal (but of course it's no substitute).
Hi Lisa,
Yesterday I took a leisurely almost-an-hour walk.
Today was GSF2 (shorter session than usual, ~30 mins) with BB front squats, a superset of lateral lunges and crunches (added a 15-lb DB to both these moves, as I generally find them too easy, though I cut back on sets), and DB RDLs. Finished 'er off with a reasonably brisk 40-min walk before it got too hot out. It's gross out there today! Staying inside in the A/C this afternoon.
Hope you and your gals (and your feet!) are doing well today.
Big hugs,
Consistent rockstar caliber workouts going on in Roz's house, as always! I love reading about what gets you moving each day. Sorry about the yucky weather, but at least you've gotten in some good walks. We are definitely soul sisters when it comes to the love of good old fashioned walking. Random: have I ever mentioned that lateral lunges are my favorite type of lunges? Not that anyone cares but me. Probably the fact that I like them the most indicates they are the easiest. ;)

Foot is on the mend. My great shoe experimentation is over, for now. I've settled on a few varieties of Brooks that feel best for working out and found a couple pair of Asics that I'll be using for my walks and also just errands around town. I've always had bad feet so I've never been able to sport fashionable footwear, but at least the fitness shoes these days come in super cute colors. That's at least some consolation!

Saturday I did Compound Giant Sets with Light Weights Live (I think that's the name) for the second time. Sunday I rested. Today I did LIHI BSB for the first time. I need to do it again because external factors (sleep, food, stress) may have affected my interpretation of this workout, but as of now I'm thinking this is the most challenging by far of all of Cathe's split UB workouts. Not sure if LIHI CST will feel the same, but BSB sure burned. The sequencing of the exercises left me toast by the time biceps rolled around and my arms are still literally burning several hours later. Good stuff!!! A Wheaties workout for sure. :)

Yucky air quality and weather here as well, so we've been cooped up lately. Gone to the indoor mall for walks and distraction, but that sure gets boring after a while (especially when I have to drive through construction traffic on the freeway to get there). Looking forward to Fall but definitely not to Winter, but at this rate it seems like it's going to be Christmas before we know it. Eek!

Major X's and O's! Give you cutie DD a smooch and a balloon (because, why not?) from me! :)

Hi Lisa,
So glad to hear your foot is on the mend! Yay! Hope it keeps getting better.

Great job on CGSwLWL ;) and LIHI BSB. So excited that you're checking out the LIHI workouts now! I know, ouch, right?! CST is a real smoker, too. Those decline pushups, just plain ol' mean.

ITA that Fall will be welcome (and it's BEAUTIFUL in these parts), but it's never long enough!

Today I did another GSF workout (upper body) -- one-arm DB push presses, a superset of DB renegade rows and DB reverse flys, and a superset of double racked carries and biceps curls. It was already too hot to walk, so I added on an 8-min LWF2 finisher: Heave-Ho. Fun and tough!

ITA that lateral lunges are the best -- they feel so good -- is it the hip mobility aspect?

I'll be gone tomorrow, but likely back Thursday with some deadlifts to report! Or Friday, if I can't get to it Thursday...

Hope your air there isn't too icky -- sending cool-breeze wishes you way!
Sweet workout today, Roz! (Sweet workouts call for a spoon full of CBCC, if I do say so myself!) Is GSF utilizing DBs + KBs for the most part? Seems like LWF2 does as well, and that it was Nia that was 'demanding' the barbell? ;) I had to Google double racked carries and I bet it's one of those moves that looks deceptively easy. Cool!

I think you nailed it with the lateral lunges. It works the glutes but gives you a nice stretch at the same time.

Not looking forward to LIHI CST because I can only imagine that all the finishers involve push-ups in one form or another. Cathe can be such a meanie! ;) She was pretty mean today in Totally Toned Legs Live. This one is a scorcher. I think we should rename this DOMS week because my lats and rear delts are so sore from yesterday and my butt is still smoking from TTLL!

I heard today that the amount of land burned in the Pacific Northwest region fires is more than 7 million acres, which is greater than the entire state of VT. Made me think of you, "Mom in VT." So sad that so many people have lost their homes and memories.

Weather is getting better here but the air quality is quite poor. Not wanting to spend too much time outside with my precious cargo DDs.

Enjoy your activities for the rest of the week! Looking forward to your updates whenever they can come, and extra thanks for the private communication. :)


My body is sore from all the weights and squats, so I opted for fun cardio in the form of 80's Style Cardio Live. I've done this one a lot but I like it and I am so familiar with it that it was easily modifiable for my foot needs (which continues to get better, phew!).

Hope you're having a great day, my dear!

LIHI CST today. It did not disappoint. The push-ups brought me to puke status. My only 'complaint' is that triceps felt a little cheated, but I might be rethinking this when the DOMS set in. So happy with the two UB RWH workouts. Cathe at her finest! Looking forward to playing around with the other, higher impact workouts in this series when my old foot is 100%.

How are you doing? Hope you and your little pumpkin are having a happy day together! XOXO!

Hi Lisa!
Great job on your workouts! Yeah, those RWH UB workouts are just great, aren't they? And not too long -- some of those Meso 2 workouts are just... endless. Good, but endless.

Love that '80s style cardio. So fun. :)

Honestly, I'm embarrassed to admit I hadn't heard of the fires. Geez, sometimes I can be so tuned out to what's going on in the world. That's just terrible! Is that the reason for your poor air quality recently?

GSF2 definitely uses the barbell a lot. The main lifts are squat (variations: BB back squat, BB front squat, or KB [I use DB] goblet squat), overhead press (BB strict press, BB push press, and one-arm DB overhead press), and deadlift (BB conventional deadlift, BB sumo deadlift, and BB Jefferson deadlift). Basically you use biofeedback testing to see which variation of the day's main lift (and accessory lifts) tests best, and do that variation. The accessory moves use various tools: KBs, DBs, suspension trainer, resistance bands, sliding discs, bodyweight.

Today was deadlifts -- I did sumos. Then chinups (big progress!), and a superset of kroc rows and standing resistance band crunches. Yesterday I just rested. Tomorrow I'll try to get a LWF workout in before we leave -- not sure if I'll have time to check in, but I'll try!

Hope your feel heal quickly. I think you're going to LOVE both the RWH lower body workouts. Maybe especially the circuit. But I dunno ;) I'm excited to find out! (but you let that foot heal!)

OK, mama, hope you and the gals have had a great week! Any big weekend plans?
Big hugs, Roz
Hi Lisa,
Quick and early check-in from me!
This morning I test-drove a LWF1 (YAY!) workout -- Hot Wheels. Holy moly. Let me just say, it gives 'high rep squats' a whole new meaning. I just did ~a zillion barbell back squats at 75#. Very happy to add this program's variety to my workout library! :)
Off to pack -- hugs to you, and have a wonderful weekend with your family!
GSF2 definitely uses the barbell a lot. The main lifts are squat (variations: BB back squat, BB front squat, or KB [I use DB] goblet squat), overhead press (BB strict press, BB push press, and one-arm DB overhead press), and deadlift (BB conventional deadlift, BB sumo deadlift, and BB Jefferson deadlift). Basically you use biofeedback testing to see which variation of the day's main lift (and accessory lifts) tests best, and do that variation. The accessory moves use various tools: KBs, DBs, suspension trainer, resistance bands, sliding discs, bodyweight.

Smacking my head right now. Sometimes I ask questions and then when I read the answers, I think "why on earth did I ask that in the first place." Your description totally makes sense and should have been obvious to me. Doh! Thanks anyway for indulging my brain freeze moments. :rolleyes:

One zillion barbell back squats at 75#??? That is definitely a Hot 'test drive'--I'm thinking Ferrari or Maserati. Good luck sitting, or walking, or just generally trying to move at all today! You go, girl! Glad you have more fun stuff to play with. I can just imagine Jen sitting in her office giggling as she comes up with these workout names. Hot Wheels! So cool!

This morning I did yet another Cathe Live which you will absolutely love once you re-up your subscription--Cardio Mish Mosh Live. It's quick and it's sweaty. Which reminds me of something Cathe said during LIHI CST. I actually rewound the DVD yesterday to make sure I heard her correctly when she said we were working so hard we had "sweat spewing" from everywhere. Ew, but accurate! :p

Preschool orientation for DD1 today, then lots of back-to-school prep and general playtime planned for the weekend. I'll give you more deets when I can get to my email!

Major hugs and enjoy your adventures this weekend! Thinking of you, sending you happy vibes, and just feeling really excited and happy and hopeful for you. XOXO!

A bit chaotic over here the past couple days. Thinking a lot about you and hoping you had a superb weekend.

Saturday I did Low Impact Cardio + Strength Live. Second time doing this one and it left me just as sweaty as the first time I did it.

Today I did AOLIH. I haven't done this one in ages. I prefer the step cardio to the floor cardio, but mainly because the floor cardio feels like a mini-leg workout. ;) Probably going to do splits again this week but not sure what that will entail. Right now I'm thinking Burn Sets but you know better than to expect me to stick with a plan! :)

Hugs your way!

Hi Roz! Well, sick with a cold over here after only the first day of the regular preschool year. Yay us. :(

XTrain Burn Sets CBS! I can't go nearly as heavy as Cathe, but heck...I followed through on a plan! Now, go pick your jaw up off the floor and enjoy the rest of your day. ;)


Hi Lisa,
Yuck on the cold. :( Is it just DD1?
Hope preschool orientation went well -- can't wait to hear about it!

Great job on your workouts -- I haven't done Burn Sets in forever, but I love that one. And yahoo for following through -- not that I would have minded if you'd done PUB. ;)

I did a couple of my own LWF-inspired workouts this weekend. The first was a playground workout: descending ladder (15, 14, 13, ..., 1) of pushups, jump squats, and inverted rows using the swing. Holy moly, that was a lot of pushups! I'll call that one 'J
ungle Gym Style'. ;)
The second was just playing around with sliding discs and suspension trainer for some hamstring slide-ins, rows, rotational pulls, pikes, mountain climbers, etc.

Today was Day 1 of Phase 2 (5th week!) of GSF2 -- very different, but fun! KB swings (I used an unevenly-loaded adjustable DB), a superset of bodyweight skater squats (hard!) and one-arm DB strict presses, and a superset of DB Cossack squats and Russian twists. A lot of these moves officially call for KB instead of DBs, but I'm having no trouble subbing. This program is going to be 12 straight weeks of DOMS...

I plan to do the next workout on Thursday if I have time, not sure what tomorrow holds. I really don't have time for DVDs in the coming months (since those take up naptime), so I'll probably get my cardio in via baby-friendly activities (hiking, walking, running, and LWF2). However, I think I'll be too sore tomorrow for LWF2!

OK, mama, rest up! I hope you're all back to 100% very soon...
Big hugs,
And yahoo for following through -- not that I would have minded if you'd done PUB. ;)

I'm grateful for your open mind, but would you have been so forgiving if I had selected Strong UB + Core Live? ;)

Ack! Jungle Gym Style! How you doing with push-ups these days? Are they getting easier, harder, or status quo? I find them difficult to make progress on, although for some reason unbeknownst to me I am doing better and better with them these days. Love that you're able to make your equipment work by subbing in what you have. I'm not looking to buy lots of KBs either (unless I become totally addicted to that form of training).

Oh snap! Just Googled 'body weight skater squats!' I think I'd be weebling and wobbling myself into a face plant. Do those bother your back? Even with lots of core engagement those look like they could be backache-inducing.

Totally understand your cardio plan. As I alluded to in my way too long email, relaxed cardio is good for the body + soul. :) Hope you got in something fun with your little sweetie today.

I did XTrain Legs today. I wanted to do XTrain CLB but I don't want to push my foot too hard, which is feeling increasingly better!!! I'm thinking my buns were sore from AOLIH on Monday because I went into today's workout with preexisting butt DOMS. No fair! :rolleyes:

Tomorrow will be XTrain Burn Sets B+T. I can't avoid it since I committed myself by doing the other Burn Sets workout yesterday.

I don't think I ever answered this question--yes, my feet issues are totally pregnancy related. All of them, including the most recent which came about because my old shoes were too small courtesy of fallen arches. My arches used to be ridiculously high, as in half crescent moons. They collapsed during DD2's pregnancy such that my arches actually touch all of the arch supports in shoes. Plus my curved hammer toes straightened out for the most part as well, so my shoe size has gone up about 3/4 size, which is so convenient because now I'm either in a 10 or 10 1/2 but I have to test out every single shoe. Yes, I have clown feet. :p And it's not like I'm tall or anything!!!


Got a baby needing some lovin', so quick post to report XTrain B+T done! Didn't go nearly as heavy as Cathe put did get some good #s for my own personal progress!


TGIF, Roz! Today I did yesterday's Live, Cardio Circuit Challenge Express. 38 minutes of good stuff!

How 'bout you? Get in a GSF2 workout today? A walk? A rest day? Whatever you're up to, I hope it's enjoyable!


Hi Lisa,
Great job on your workouts! Hooray for Burn Sets! And I've got to say, I'm jealous of your Live workout :) it sounds fun!
Oh my, I hope your feet are feeling better, my dear. Pregnancy and its indignities, huh? Not pregnancy-related, but my foot has really been bugging me -- more on that soon.
Wednesday I walked a lot and worked on BB snatches (there's a new GGS article on the move) -- they're challenging, so I was happy to try to implement the notes from the article.
Thursday (yesterday) was GSF2 -- lots of conditioning, mobility, and stability. Fun and great stuff, but I felt up to lifting today. However, I didn't want to load my feet, so I just did a descending ladder (10-1) of bench press (80#), leg lifts on the power tower, and chinups. Then I did a lot of smaller UB muscle moves -- some flys, close-grip DB bench presses, most of Delt Domination (again!) minus the pushups due to foot/plank issues, and finally I added the triset at the end of the GSF2 workout I WOULD have done -- hammer curls, lateral raises, and OH triceps extensions (I used DBs instead of a band, though). So much endurance/isolation work -- I'm going to be smoked tomorrow! :)
I feel rather babbly and incoherent here, sorry!
THANK YOU so much for you email. It totally made my day. :) I will get back to you soon.
How is DD1? Better? I hope DD2 didn't catch the bug (or you or your DH)!
Big hugs, and talk more soon,
Hi Lisa,
Today, I finished up that GSF2 workout whose (?) final triset I did yesterday.
Superset of 18" rack pull (basically a deadlift that begins and ends at 18" off the floor, about knee height) and slam ball lateral slams. Then a superset of DB bent presses (kinda like weighted triangle pose...) and plank DB pull-throughs. Wow, cardio and core, baby! A fun, quick, and efficient workout, only ~15-20 mins.
More soon!
Hugs, Roz

Jinx! We almost posted at the same exact time today! I'm so sorry to hear about your foot. :( Mine is doing much better. I hope the evil foot fairy didn't travel from my foot to yours. Take care of yourself!!!

Wowza, great workouts! It seems like there is no time to get bored in your GSF2 workouts. I know the title includes the word "fast" in it, but do you push it even faster by eliminating breaks? IIRC you did this with LWF? Would you think I'm crazy for saying I like plank DB pull-throughs?

Roz, I don't know how you're surviving without Cathe Live. You got me hooked on the Live Kool-Aid when you pushed me over the edge to get a subscription and I just don't think I could live without it ever again. I seem to average at least 2 Live workouts a week. I know you said you'll get back to it eventually so in the meantime I consider it my DUTY as your friend to flag the super de-duper awesome ones for you. ;) Today was one I know you've done--Cardio & Weights Live from May 2014. So. much. fun. Hi/lo and metabolic-ish weights.

Again, take care of that foot. Thinking of you, my amazing friend!

Guess I'm doing more RWH dabbling this week since I started the week out with LIHI BSB. Dang, this was not any easier than it was the first time I did it a couple weeks ago. The whole biceps section is just plain killer.

Hope you're having a happy day! Hugs!


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