Aug '05 Bootcamp...


Hey guys,
Just wanted to share that I am on the 2nd week of Cathe's "Bootcamp" rotation and OH MY! This is pretty hard! I feel like I am developing lots of muscles. And I feel like I've been a lot hungrier! Which is kinda messing me up because I'm trying to lose about 10 more lbs, actually would like to lose more body fat (I'm learning not to worry about the scale as much) but I can't seem to stop eating! Granted I'm eating mostly all clean stuff just LOTS of it. Anyone have any suggestions? Has this happened to anyone before? Please share because I really don't want to kill my weight loss efforts! Thanks!

Hey Lauren! I know exactly how you feel. After not working out for 9 months getting back into the rountine was hard. Especially eating clean. I found myself wanting to snack a little too often and when I did I reached for chocolate or anything deep fried:9 After reading some of Tosca Reno's The Eat Clean Diet I decided to follow one of her sample meal plans. I tweaked it a little but it's been working for me. Im never hungry.

7:00am Oatmeal w/ BSN or Eggs w/ whole wheat bread

9:30am Salmon or Chicken Breast with veggies

12:00pm Protein Shake

2:30pm Tuna Salad

5:00pm Salmon or Chicken Breast with veggies

Most days I dont eat past 6:00pm but if I do I snack on something light like fruits or nuts.

Again this is just me. My food stays the same and some people may get bored with it after awhile but I find my meals delicious and something I can stick to. Im also a stay at home mom so it's easy for me to eat at those times as opposed to someone who works. I work out at midnight every night so I didnt bother including pre and post workout meals.

My advice would be maybe your not eating enough during meals. If your eating every couple of hours you really shouldnt be hungry again until its time to eat again.

Just thought I'd share what has helped me stop the snacking inbetween meals (if that's what you meant by "I cant seem to stop eating")


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