Attn: UK posters


Can I just ask what weight training/body cconditioning videos are available on the UK market right now?

I want to buy one for my sister in Bromley who does not have a VCR that plays USA videos.

Thanks for any suggestions, and also, suggestions about if I can order these on-line for delivery?

Clare (in Michigan, long way from South London suburbs)
Hello Clare,

None of Cathe's VHS is available. However, are you sure that your sister's VCR doesn't play NTSC? Most modern VCRs here do, her's must be very old. Ask her to check it again, look for the 'NTSC playback' or 'Region 1 compatible' phrases in the instruction manual. If she doesn't have the manual anymore then tell her to take down the make and model number and then check it in the shops.

All Cathe DVDs are playable on a PAL player. It's quite cheap nowadays and she can easily get one in the New Year sale for less than £90 if she looks. Tell her to try Argos.


Check out Karen Voights website she has a UK distributer in London and they ship not too expensive either I have used them in the past and got very good service from them they are they do not have a website so just call and see if they have some of the new vids. also have a supply of tapes that might be worth looking at.


I agree with you that a VCR or DVD player that accepts Cathe workouts is ideal, however, my sister is not me. She never exercises, will not take the time for herself, is very overweight and not motivated enought to go buy a new machine. My hopes are that if she starts and commits to a program of regular exercise she may see results that she likes enough to spur her into asking me to get her some Cathe's. But, I fear we are a long way away from that and I am not going to push anything on her because my family in the UK thinks I am odd enough as it is.

Each to their own, but if I can gently nudge, that's the way to go.

I will however do as you suggested and get her to check out the machine she has. If it is the same one she had when I left the UK, we are talking at least 12 years old..... is that too old to have this kind of compatibility?

Thank you for your suggestion

Not at all. Ask her to check it out.

The best thing to do in this case is to either buy something from,, or and order something that is already PAL and buy it for her.

The choices are pretty limited though, you mainly have celebrity personality endorsing the product and they are not advanced enough to get your heart rate up. However, she may like it enough to enquire more information. If she has never exercised before then I would buy her something that uses limited equipment, like Cindy Crawford's work out tapes, Geri Halliwell yoga (I would say Karen's Energy Sprint, but that uses a step and that is expensive to buy in this country around £70).


You could also try, they have 'some' of the Aussie Fit videos which are PAL, I would recommend 'Lite Aerobics' and 'New Body'. You could order them over the internet and have them delivered straight to your sisters home. Good Luck ! In fact, I think sell the beginners tape too.

Hope this is of some use.

Anna :)
Hi Clare,

Another website to try is They have free UK shipping, so you could get any tapes sent straight to your sister's address. The tapes are also very reasonably priced. Much cheaper than Amazon.

Hope you find something suitable!


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