ATTN: SNM & Rotations Recipients


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-20-01 AT 10:31AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi folks!

First, thanks to all of your for your friendly e-mails. I've sent out almost 75 copies of the Cathe Forums Rotations, and they've gone to all corners of the US, England, Germany, Finland, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Australia and other countries. I want to tell you good people at SNM (including our perky little leader) again how amazing it is that you've created this community.

For those of you who've gotten the Rotations document already, here is one more great one, courtesy of Josie ([email protected]) -- This is Cathe's 16-week Weight Loss Rotation, just in time for bathing suit weather. :-jumpy I missed this one in my search. It's now been added to the master document. To paste it into your existing Rotations document, insert a page break after the last rotation, cut'n paste this rotation and format it any way you like.

Last, please send me any new ideas for fresh rotations, and your reviews of those in the Rotations document I sent out. I'll keep a summary of the reviews for us and will post those periodically, so maybe we can collectively figure out which ones seem to work well for different needs, body types, etc.


From Sunny but Yellow Atlanta,
Pollen and Claritin Capital of the Western World,

Kathy S.

Cathe’s Sixteen-Week Maximum Weight Loss Rotation

Cathe’s Notes: "I think in addition to using my tapes, it’s important to cross train with a variety of activities to get the most out of any rotation. Try this four week rotation (4 times in a row, totaling 16 weeks) along with the cleanest and healthiest eating plan you think you can stick to.
Remember to eat enough nutritious calories to support your activity level or else you will slow your metabolism down. Good luck and have fun!"


Mon.....Cardio Kicks
Tues....PS BBA plus a 30 minute walk/run interval program. (A seven minute walking warm up followed by seven/four minutes cycles where you run for 3 minutes and walk for one minute). Then cool down and stretch.
Wed.....Power Max
Thurs...Interval Max
Sat.....PS SL&A
Sun.....PS CST Plus the cardio portion of Xpress Step & Intervals.

Mon: MIC
Tues: MIS
Wed: Off
Thurs: Step Fit
Fri: MIS
Sat: A 40 minute walk run workout. Aim to run more than walk. Then cool down and stretch.
Sun: Circuit Max

The Cross Train Express series in the order of your choice. But separate the Power Circuit video from the Leaner Legs video. Seventh day is OFF.

Mon: Biking for 45 minutes (if you are including some hills, then 35 minutes). Cool Down and strecth.
Tues: Step Works
Wed: PS BBA plus a 30 minute interval run/walk workout.
Thurs: PS CST Plus the same bike routine as Monday.
Fri: PS L/A
Sat: OFF
Sun: Body Max
RE: Atlanta

Hi -- we're in Sandy Springs, about three miles north of I-285. How about you? (Is your car yellow too? I'm afraid to take my furry white Bichon for a long walk, for fear that he'll look like we dipped him in yellow Easter egg dye :) )

Kathy S.
RE: Atlanta

Hi, Kathy! We are way up in South Forsyth...and work in Alpharetta. So, just straight up 400! And yes, everything up here is yellow, too. Even our driveway was covered with pollen before we got that rain on Sunday. Good thing we have our tapes to do INDOORS! Thanks again for the rotations. Now I have to figure out how to incorporate the tapes that I have into something similar. :)
RE: Atlanta

We are exactly halfway between Abernathy and Northridge, just west of 400 -- about 1/2 mile west, actually. South Forsyth is so pretty -- I have a dear friend who lives out near Seven Oaks past Windward and we love driving up there. If my husband didn't work in Buckhead we'd be looking northward for sure. But with the traffic in this city, even from here he has a 30-minute drive.

The rain did help -- now we've just got rivers of yellow sludge along our driveway and street. :)

Kathy S.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-23-01 AT 08:57AM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-21-01 AT 03:36 PM (Est)[/font]

Hi I am new to cathe and the website. Where can I get a copy of the rotations you talk about? I am trying to lose weight and build muscle. Have been doing the Firm for years. After trying cathe I can see I was in a rut! Her tapes are fantastic and I can see adiffernce already!

Thanks and please let me know where I can get on to the distribution list for the rotations.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-23-01 AT 08:57AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi I am new to cathe and the website. Where can I get a copy of the rotations you talk about? I am trying to lose weight and build muscle. Have been doing the Firm for years. After trying cathe I can see I was in a rut! Her tapes are fantastic and I can see adiffernce already!

Thanks and please let me know where I can get on to the distribution list for the rotations.
ATTN Suzanna

Hey, Suzanna, I've tried twice to e-mail the rotations to you but the document gets bounced back with a server message that says "[email protected] is not accepting emails with attachments or embeddded documents." Do you want me to try another e-address?

Kathy S.
RE: SS's Girl...

I'm sorry. I've been on vacation and missed out on how to get these great rotations. Could you please send them to me as well?
My addy is: [email protected].
I would greatly appreciate it!
Hey Paulette --

I sent the document to you (along with a FIRM videos glossary, which I've sent now -- I think -- to everyone who got the Rotations. If you didn't get the stuff let me know.

Kathy S.
fixed it--for Kathy

Don't know what happened but YES, there was a block on my email account. I lifted it. Could you please try to send the rotations again? Sorry to be such a pain in the bum. Thanks, Suzanna [email protected]

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