Attn: Bernard



just a quick thought.

When you use your dining room chair for leg presses/step ups, make sure it doesn't budge under the force of your step and start inching away from you or you'll be chasing it around the room with a bl***y heavy barbell on your shoulders.

This happened to me the first time with PLB. I screamed at the blasted chair!!!!

So, now, just before I begin, I throw my 20 pound dumbells right in front of the back legs of the chir, the legs nearest the TV and it doesn't budge an inch. Works a treat.

Of course if you have carpet, this might not be a problem! I have wood floors.....

Thanks Clare ! :7

I have visions of me upside down with a barbell on my head ! I might even use the children's scruffy sofa, it is probably a good 12 inches off the ground !

Yup, I used to have that problem, too. I got a roll of that non-slip "stuff" you put under rugs (believe I found it in the contact paper section at Wal-Mart). I put it under my little wooden step stool as well as on top. Works great.

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