ATTENTION Catheites: Another idea for a new check-in......


How about a monthly results check-in?

I've been thinking about this for a couple of weeks since I don't have time to check in every day, or every week, and besides May 1st is on Sunday. After I saw Wendy's post I remembered hey I wanted to start another check in! LOL!!!

Anyway what are your goals? Maybe it is give up certain foods, lose weight, gain muscle in some areas, or lose inches in problem areas (mine are the thighs and hips), or maybe fitness goals (e.g. run another mile, do a couple of push ups on your toes, etc.). You know what you want to achieve with diet and exercise and you know that you want to keep track of it. We can motivate each other!!! We can check in the first days of a month instead of every day.

Well I don't know how this is going to go, but I'm going to be the first to start. I really want to change this. I am focused! :+ Anyway, I have three goals at the moment.

1. I want to have a smaller lower half. I think I'm in decent shape (I can always be better), but I am pear shaped and sick of it mainly because I have to buy my clothes in different sizes.

2. I want more definition in my shoulders. My triceps are good my biceps are okay, but my shoulders definitely need more definition.

3. I want to be able to stay a longer time in a plank position without having my arms give up (ever!).

So those are mine. By the way I took my measurements today and I lost 1/2 inch in my hips so I can start with that.

Come on people let's do this!
I think that's a great idea. Some things aren't achievable in just days. I weighed myself yesterday AND took my measurements, so I know pretty much what I want to achieve. Here goes:

1. Lose 5 lbs. This is down from 10 lbs, which I'm beginning to believe isn't feasible for me. But I'd like to lose 5.

2. Lose an inch off my waist and an inch off my hips.

3. I would like to add two kilometers to my run route.

4. Do both regular sets of push-ups in MM on my toes. I can do one set now.

I guess I check back in at the end of May then!

Who will keep tabs on when we should pull this back up again?
RE: ATTENTION Catheites: Another idea for a new check-i...

Sounds like a great idea but I can't really join in the fun until after the baby is born....after that-once I get the go ahead to exercise though, WATCH OUT! I'll be posting on this thread for days!!!LOL


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img]
EDD: 05/19/05
RE: ATTENTION Catheites: Another idea for a new check-i...

I'll join in.

My goals for May (I actually started this past Monday, but we'll just say May):

1. Lose 7 pounds. To do this, see #2 & 3.

2. Created denition in my upper body, specifically my biceps, chest and triceps (shoulders are great and back is too). To do this, I began using Gym Style upper body splits this past week.

3. Lean out my lower body. I will take measurement this weekend and see what happens. To do this, I am planning on using Gym Style Legs, Leaner Legs and Leg & Glutes, plus cardio, cardio, and MORE cardio.

RE: ATTENTION Catheites: Another idea for a new check-i...

>I guess I check back in at the end of May then!
>Who will keep tabs on when we should pull this back up again?

I think that on the week of the 29th we should start a thread called "Monthly Results Check-in for May" and we'll report all the results we saw on May. I don't mind if someone starts it before I do. I'm so excited that I'll probably be the one to do it first, but if you Shelley or someone else does it before I do then I'll post my results and share.

By the way, Wendy whoa! 20 days to go!!!! I guess we'll see you posting your results later then. But I'll be waiting to see you getting on the check-in. :)
RE: ATTENTION Catheites: Another idea for a new check-i...

That sounds good. I have no problems watching what I eat because of the mental pictures I come up with when I associate food with well....let's not go there. tee-he-he-he.
Anyhow, my fitness goals would be...

(1) To do more Cardio...I hate Cardio!
(2) Toe Push Ups (I can do 2 now)
(3) More Shoulder definition and Biceps/Forearm

I don't even want to talk about my legs!

I haven't taken any measurements of myself, but did you want us to do that as well?

RE: ATTENTION Catheites: Another idea for a new check-i...

If you think taking measurements might help you keep track then do it. Personally I think it's a good idea. I don't like to weigh myself much as a guide because I don't know what is muscle and what is fat. If I measure myself and I see any losses then I can pretty much assume I'm losing fat in those areas. You can take your measurements and write them out somewhere and then at the end of the month take them again so you can see if you lost any inches in the areas that bother you. I'm going to take full body measurements on Sunday so I can use that as a reference at the end of the month. By the way, I can relate on the push ups thing. I should work on that too.
RE: ATTENTION Catheites: Another idea for a new check-i...

That sounds like a plan then. I like the whole idea. I will take measurements too. I also want to get my body fat down to 13% by the end of May. I think I can do it, but will have to do more Cardio. x( Because I have the eating down so there is no reason I can't. I also want to gain 2-3 more pounds as well so now your really challenging me and others...and that is a very good thing! I'm game.

I hope you don't mind if I join in here. I've only been doing Cathe since about December (Firmed before that)but I'm hooked and have a very good collection of her DVD's already (and I just got the HC series for Mother's Day-yay!) I would love a monthly check in.

My goals are:
1. To lose the last 10 pounds.
2. More definition in my arms (they're getting there).
3. To up my running from twice per week to at least 3 times per week.
4. I also like your Plank goal. I need to work on holding those positions longer!!

I'm going to take my measurements on Sunday as well, since I agree, the scale may go up or stay the same because (hopefully) I'm gaining more muscle but losing the fat as well!!

RE: ATTENTION Catheites: Another idea for a new check-i...

I think this is a terrific idea and would like to join in.

Here are my goals for May:

1. Increase the weights I lift at least 10%
2. Do all reps on every descending set of pushups on my toes in GS Chest & Triceps (right now I do that EXCEPT for the 8 rep set. I do those on my knees)
3. Run 5K on my treadmill (no walk/run intervals)
4. Continue to improve muscle definition especially on my lower body - abs, glutes, quads, hams and calves.
5. Eat more vegetables and fruit

~ Kim

"Welcome the challenge...Embrace it...Don't fear it." -Cathe Friedrich
RE: ATTENTION Catheites: Another idea for a new check-i...

Wendy - Your goal in the next 20 days is to HAVE THAT BABY!!!

Angie :)
RE: ATTENTION Catheites: Another idea for a new check-i...

Okay I'm game. I've tried for several months to lose that last 10 pounds, and I know my problem is portion size. Okay, and the ocassional chocolate cravings where I get into the chocolate chips. If I could lose 5 pounds by May 31 I would be ecstatic. Today I was going to make it a point to control my portions, and I failed again. I normally eat clean (I'm a vegetarian), but the quantities are too large. I've just finished P90X and will start Cathe's fat burning rotation for her hard core series.

So, in a nutshell, my goals are:

1. keep every serving this month a normal size and not go back for seconds, and hopefully 5 pounds will melt off.
2. do the hard core fat burning rotation
RE: ATTENTION Catheites: Another idea for a new check-i...

I would like to join, too. I am quite new to Cathe. About 2 months. I did not see any weight lost at the beginning. But when I checked myself this Mon, I lost 5 lbs.

Here is my goals:

1. I would like to loss 5 lbs at the end of May
2. Be able to do the full plank in Core Max seg 1. (I can only do on my knee not toes now)
3. I will measure myself this weekend, try to reduce some inches at the end of may.
4. Be able to do push up on toes at least one set

I am very excited about this check - in. I think Cathe's DVDs are excellent, and you guys are awsome. Your postings gave me a lot of motivations.

RE: ATTENTION Catheites: Another idea for a new check-i...

Ok count me in! Maybe as a team we can accomplish our goals.

Here are mine

1. to lose inches in my hips and thighs. I would be happy with 2 inches in hips and one inch each thigh. My upper body I am Ok with and love the definition

2. eat cleaner

3. lose 5 pounds

So now I will have to measure myself and see how well I do at the end of may!

I'm in, I did much better with the goal thing in April when I joined the April challenge on so this would help me.

1. loose 2 pounds (like to loose 6 in total but I'll go for the little steps)
2. shrink my waist from 68cm to 67cm. This is not even half an inch. so it should be doable
3. do all push ups in GS chest on my toes
4. have my long run back up to 10 miles
5. try to add in a fourth run each week, mileage is not important but I'm aiming for 2 miles. Need to be careful here cause I don't know if my knees will approve. If not, I'll skip this one.
6. stick to the 6xweek ab routine I started in April
7. back to clean eating now my birthday is over
8. do a YogaZone w/o after my long run. I didn't meet this goal in April. I'm trying again.

That's it for now. I'll print this and put it up where I'll see it every day.

May 1st - Measurement Day

Ok, so I took my measurements as soon as I woke up. Chest, waist, hips, right arm, left arm, right thigh, left thigh. I'll keep those to myself:7 , but we'll see what happens at the end of the month.
RE: ATTENTION Catheites: Another idea for a new check-i...

Great idea! I'd love to join in. Here are my goals:

1. Work out every day
2. Do Bootcamp at least once a week.
3. Lose measurable amount from hips, thighs, and upper arms.
RE: ATTENTION Catheites: Another idea for a new check-i...

Hi everyone! I'm a Catheite newbie, and I'm glad that Rose11 helped me find this thread! Thanks, Rose11! :)

My primary goals for this month (my May rotation actually starts on the 15th but I think I'll end up sticking with this rotation thru June with a fews days of recovery in the middle) are:

1. Continue to lose fat! I want to break out of the 200s this month. Only 4 pounds....seems like the first 80 came off fairly quickly but now, well, who knows?! lol I've got about 55 more to burn off....

2. Do 1 yoga and 1 pilates workout each week.

3. Have fun with my first Cathe Friedrich workout rotation! Yippie! Here's the link to the rotation I'll be doing, it's from August 2004, Body Fat & Legs and Glutes

Good luck to all,

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