How's my favorite gang doing? I miss being on the forum! Wow it feels like it's been forever and it hasn't been a week :+ I wanted to share some programs that I created for others!I have a bunch and will add them later to my rotations list! I'll shoot for one every two months to have something new and fresh to do! I hope that you find these useful! The first batch is for those who work out at a gym focusing on high rep training for lowerbody(you could also do this at home just substitute some exercises) the second is a totalbody workout to be done with dumbells!
1st program(w/instructions)
Overall total body gym workout that will work your 6 main body parts 2x a week! (Chest,Back,Legs,Biceps,triceps ,shoulders)always factoring in abs! To make a sleek physique, you'll need to increase your rep range up to the 12 to 20 range (legs to 30)+ range with short rest periods of about 30 seconds to 1 minute, depending on the intensity and amount of weight you use on your sets (i.e. heavier weights will require a little longer rest period). Push yourself hard and go to failure on your sets!
You may notice, if you push yourself to failure on high-rep sets, that your next sets you don't get nearly as many reps. Don't worry about that, just keep getting as many reps as you can. You'll still get the benefits of the exericse and the shorter rest periods will keep your heart rate up and keep your metabolism cranking. You will eventually find your sticking point, stick with that ,then when results come to a hault we'll revamp!(this should be a solid 3 month program) This will build a foundation and take you away from the elements you have already been doing, once this session is complete, we will tackle what you were doing(certain exercises) but with slight variations(making them more intense as you progress through your training)
We'll start your training on a 4 day split schedule.
Monday - back (4 sets), chest (4 sets), biceps (3), calves (3) *CG
Tuesday - shoulders (4), triceps (3), Legs (5), abs (3)
Wed. - cardio only (PRECOR) 5 min w/up 20 min intense intervals 5 min cd/stretch
Thurs - repeat Monday (no cardio just 5 min warmup on treadmill or whatever else)
Friday - repeat Tuesday(do Cardio Guerilla first)
Sat and Sun - off
Here's your exercises to start for week one & two with 15 reps starting on some with lesser sets doing 2 exercise for each bodypart and then adding in more later
Mon- (back)3 sets of 15(30 sec rest) lat pulldowns, seated rows (later this will be bentover rows with barbell) (chest)3 sets of 15 bench press(later incline benchpress) ,pecdec machine(later pec flys on bench) (Biceps)3 sets of 15 hammercurls,preacher curls,(calves) standing calf raises 3 sets of 15(each set point toes differently-first set toes forward,then toes inward than toes outward)
Tues- Warmup stretch legs you'll be working them (Legs) 4 sets of 20 Smith machine squats(last 2 sets plie or duck squat-toes pointed outward to work inner thighs)(alil burner here do 2 sets of 20 of stationary lunges working one leg at a time then the other than repeat) 2 sets of 25 leg extensions ,3 sets of 20 hamstring curls, 3 sets of 20 abductor cuff pulley (outter thigh sweeps)(shoulders)(use 3 or 5 lbs dumbells) 3 sets of 12 front raises, 3 sets of 12 side raises(triceps) 3 sets of 12 tricep V pushdowns,2 sets of 20 tricep kickbacks(work one at a time) abs 3 sets of 20 incline reverse crunch---side jackknife---front crunch with heels touching each other(frog crunch)
roll over and do supermans to stretch everything out especially lower back
Here's the Cardio Guerilla Program, feel free to use whatever equipment you'd like to prevent boredom, start with treadmill to get familiar with it!
12 minute Cardio Guerilla~Minutes 1-4 warm up @50%of perceived maximum effort MINUTE 5 sprint for 20 secs~rest for 10 secs~sprint for 20 secs~rest for 10 secs MINUTE 6(same) sprint 20-rest 10 sprint 20 rest 10 MINUTE 7(same )MINUTE 8 (same) MINUTES 9-12 Cool down @50% of perceived maximum effort.
14 min version if you didn't get a pump put of 12
4 min warm up
30 sec sprint 10 sec recovery
do this 9xs total
4 min cool down
* you could always turn this into a home workout by making alternative choices with your exercises for your specific equipment--you have the guidelines of the program above
2nd Program w/ dumbells
Build muscle and Lean out At Home
The sets are 3-4, rep range is 12 -20, rest is 30 secs
warm up and cood down on your own!
Sumo Squats(plie)(if possible hold one heavy dumbell)
Stationary Lunges
StepUps ( last set doing knee lift or butt lift or front extension(kick)
Deadlifts (toes on weighted plates or on step)
walking lunges" diagonally"
Barbell row
bentover row double arm
rear delt raises
Flat Bench dumbell press
Flat Bench pec flys(palms facing each other)
Military Press
upright row
one arm side raises
Bicep curls
Hammer Curls
Concentration curls
Overhead tricep extension
Tricep dips on bench(step)
Cross the body tricep extension(on bench or step)
abs 100 good reps total(no break) working upper,lower,obliques
*For Best results do
Total body 3x
Cardio 4 x a week 30 to 40 mins intense
**if you have CTX-perfect for your cardio***
Enjoy and Have Fun!