Atkins diet??

Voice of reason!

Thanks for expressing what I'd like to say. Somehow, Americans have become so "carbo--phobic" that they sometimes go to the extremes of eliminating as many carbs from their diet as possible. NOT healthy (except perhaps for the pocketbooks of the people selling those diet books, and the animal protein industry) and not good in the long run.
Yes, but you have to remember....

that for some people, this is what works. Some of us are truly carb-sensitive. And if it helps us to monitor the carb intakes, then why is it considered extreme or unhealthy? I eat a very balanced diet. Plenty of veggies, fruits, etc. I just like to control the carbs--works better for me that way.

And I also live in Asia--Okinawa, Japan--so I have seen what type of diet Asian people eat. Yes, they eat lots of grains, but (here, at least) the other staple is fish (especially raw-ick) so they're getting plenty of low-fat protein in their diets as well.

If something different works for you, then that's great. I'm just trying to share my personal experiences; everyone's body responds differently to different things.

Thanks Renae


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