Athletic Watches



Does anyone have athletic watches? I don't know what they're called. I know Nautica has some. It's like velcro strap and the face is pretty big. Supposedly it's waterproof. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? If so, where can I find them? I've seen some at the mall, and they're not my style. I know Gin Miller wears one. Thanks for help! :eek:)
I wear a Timex Rush I got for my Birthday. I love it! It has a timer,alarm,stopwatch,pulse and is water proof. I wear constantly! Susan
I love Casio watches. Each one lasts about 10 years. They are "water-resistant" to 200 meters, shock-proof and just plain indestructible. I wear one all my waking hours, never have to baby it or worry about it. I replaced the ugly black plastic waistband with a cloth velcro or clip one (the strap never lasts as long as the watch). When it needs new batteries I just go to a jewelry store.

I take mine scuba diving, running, and out to a nice restaurant. I just forget I'm wearing it.

There are lots of different styles, but they are so reliable and practical.
Hi Maverick. I got my athletic watch at Wal-mart. It's not a brand name, but it only cost like $7. It is water-proof, has an alarm and a stop watch. I use mine when I go for my runs. It's great that it is water-proof because it doesn't get condensation in the lens. I use the alarm every morning (mine also has a 5 minute sleep button). I get up at 6:00 a.m., my husband gets up at 7:30. The alarm on my watch is not as noisy as his alarm clock, so I can get up without disturbing him. I really like it. I got a man's because of the bigger face and numbers so I can just glance at it when I am running. It works for me.

I agree with mogambo I LOVE Casio. I have always worn Casio watches ever since my father bought me one for my birthday back in highschool. I too have a scuba diving watch (200M)it's called FROGMAN (G-Shock line)I got off of ebay and mine is solar powered no battery replacement EVER. Actually, I just bought it as my old battery powered FROGMAN watch died after 5yrs and I wanted the solar powered watch once I saw it. The Casio G-SHOCK line is top notch and I'll never buy any other watch by another company other than Casio. You just can't go wrong with them. BTW Mogambo is right the G-shocks are indestructible I never took my old watch off and it definitely got put through the ringer and it kept right on ticking. That is until the battery died.

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