Asking for a friend...Post Pregnancy core


I have a very in-shape friend (think marathon runner and someone who is advanced in the strength area as well). She is interested in getting her core back in shape but does not have a dvd player so anything in book form or streaming form would be great. Something free too! I don't have children, but have read that diastasis recti conditioning is important instead of crunches. I've youtube'd a few but they all look pretty easy (at least by her standards most likely). She will definitely okay any exercises with her doctor.

diastasis recti conditioning is important instead of crunches. I've youtube'd a few but they all look pretty easy (at least by her standards most likely).
Mom of 4 with healed DR here, so speaking from experience that yes, crunches should DEFINITELY be avoided while healing. Planks are controversial, and I still basically avoid them all together. Rule of thumb: Any exercise that makes your belly dome into a cone shape or a loaf shape is a no-no. Even things like overhead presses can cause too much core strain if the weight is too heavy or your form is off. Not saying you can't do them but it's all about awareness while exercising.

DR healing is very dependent on the individual in terms of the size of the separation and should also be approached in tandem with overall pelvic floor healing. I felt such a difference doing this. Also, the exercises might look easy but if they are performed correctly, they will burn (the good burn). Honestly, they can burn the core even if you don't have DR.

My go-to favorites on YouTube:
1. FemFusion Fitness with Dr Bri Grogan. She's a women's health physical therapist with both free and paid content. I highly recommend her free "Ab Camp Series" and her free "Lift" series. I still incorporate Dr Bri's PT routines into my week because they are so beneficial for pelvic floor health and core fitness. Dr Bri is the best!!!!

2. Bodyfit by Amy has a Playlist of 12 free DR workouts on her channel. She's a certified personal trainer and mom of 2 who has manages her DR, so she has helpful info.

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