Ask Cathe Forum-Not a question for you Cathe

Dawn W

I don't want to sound like the hall monitor here, but I have noticed a fair amount of "Non Cathe Questions" in the Ask Cathe forum lately.
It would make it alot easier for Cathe to respond to the actual questions directed right at her if these "non-Cathe Question post" were placed in the "Video Discussion" or "Open Forum".
Cathe has enough on her mind then to worry about sorting real questions and all other posts.
I know there are alot of new posters here that may not have been aware of this, so I'm not trying to slap any hands here, just to make everyone aware of this.
Hi Dawn! How cute of you to be concerned. I actually made an announcement regarding this a while back and things improved there for a while. Yes, I think you are right, we have some new viewers who may not realize but I'm actually getting quite good at sifting through posts;-)!

To all: I certainly don't want to discourage viewers from posting so if anyone is in doubt as to where to post, please just post anywhere. But if you can remember where to post, it sure would be helpful :)! Thanks!
Hay, any new pictures for a friend gone south to see...of you and the family?
Miss ya Cathe! Sent you a message but I don't think you recieved it(e-mail change?) had an update of life in Americus. Whenever you can, please send me your new address...Looking forward to seeing you in the end of May when I come home for a visit, Love Rhonda
Hay, any new pictures for a friend gone south to see...of you and the family?
Miss ya Cathe! Sent you a message but I don't think you recieved it(e-mail change?) had an update of life in Americus. Whenever you can, please send me your new address...Looking forward to seeing you in the end of May when I come home for a visit, Love Rhonda

During a trip south MANY years ago (Kennedy administration) I visited the "Tog Shop" in Americus. Is is still there? They had a lot of terry cloth clothes, and they put out a catalogue.
"Tog Shop" still here in Americus. Funny, last week in the 3 page daily newspaper(well maybe 6), there was a complete story on the tog shop celebrating a 50th year(took up one whole page itself). The golden girls cast, as well as many other famous women(Dallas and Dynasty), have purchased items from this shop. They are big down here with the locals and also do well via mail orders. I'm sure they are on-line for all to check out. I went in there once, not what I would wear(with my pony tail) but when my mom and dad come down for a visit the first week of April, I will take my mom...she'll find something for sure.
Chat more...time to get ready for sleep...Rhonda

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