
My wedding is now only six weeks away and I've been working really hard for definition in my upper body since I'm wearing a sleeveless and somewhat backless dress. I have been using MIS and the PS series for the last few months and I am enjoying the results. However yesterday I slipped Cory's Get Hard Arms and Shoulders in my VCR and today I'm more sore than I have been in a long while. While I don't want to give up my PS series...I think the GHAS is a winner too.

Anyone have any ideas on how I can mix up the rotation for the next six weeks to maximize results??? Could I add Cory's tape on to the PS tapes like this...

Mon: PS BBA and Cory GHAS
Tues: Cardio
Wed: PS Legs/Abs and Cory GHAS
Thurs: Cardio
Fri: PS CST and Cory GHAS
Sat: Cardio
Sun: Rest

...or do you think this would be overtraining. I'm willing to give it my all for the next six weeks, so any advice would be really appreciated.
Hi Candori!

So you're getting married in six weeks, how exciting!

Just wanted to share with you that any time your body is on a program for a few months(which you mentioned that you have been doing with the PS Series), it does tend to grow very accustomed to it. When you get to the point where your results are really slowing down, its time to change things up, hence, follow a new rotation.

While I'm not familiar with the contents of the video you mentioned, it seems the reason for your soreness is due to the fact that you have shocked your system with a change. Thats a good thing. In this case I would say to factor this workout into your rotation to continue to stimulate your muscles in a new way. Again, I'm not familiar with the contents of this video but based on the title it sounds as if it is an all upper body workout. If this is the case, the rotation that you list above may touch on overtraining for the upper body. Just as a suggestion, I don't think that you need to work all the muscles of the upper body more than twice per week. Hope this helps
Congratulations, I just got married in May. I had the same situation as you (sleeveless wedding dress) This is what I did and it worked for me.
Tues: Cardio
Thurs: Cardio
Fri: PS Legs/Abs and Cory GHAS
Sat: Cardio
Sun: Rest
This way you work the arms and shoulders twice a week with a rest/recovery period in between.
Good Luck!

I'm tickled pink that I got a reply from Cathe AND a newlywed. How perfect. I love the advice, and Julie, congrats on your wedding...I hope it was wonderful.

I think that rotation is great because, as you both suggested, it hits the arms and shoulders twice a week. Plus, I'll throw in Interval Max, MIC, MIS, BODYMAX and of course the Wedding Tape to mix things up. No matter what, there is no way I can fail with these tapes! I'm more focused and determined than I've ever been. It's amazing what dedication, consistency and a sleeveless dress can do!

Cathe, at the risk of sounding like an overzealous crazed fan, I really can't wait to meet you during the VF roadtrip in October. You have NO idea what you have done for me and I can't WAIT to show you! My fiancée has already taken my "before" photos and I'll be sure to get some great "after" pictures in my bikini on my honeymoon!

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