The left side of my body is bigger than the right too, boobs included. The strange thing is when they were growing in, my right boob came in first and then a couple months later my left one grew.
I am very asymmetrical. My left foot is at least half a size bigger than my right foot. One eyebrow is about an inch higher than the other. When I post pics of myself here, I have my DH take lots of pics until I find one where my eyebrows don't look too cock-eyed, or where my eyebrows are hidden under glasses. The only pictures of myself I like are those in which my eyebrows look relatively even.
My right thigh is smaller than my left. When I was 15, I got hit by a car and messed up my knee. I was a typical undisciplined 15yo and did not do my physical therapy properly otherwise, I think my thigh would have filled out more after having been in a cast for four months.
Our 4th child has a condition called situs inversus, where all of his internal organs are flip-flopped--heart on the right, stomach on the right,liver on the left (I hope I have that right)--anyway, a mirror image of what they are supposed to be.
My husband and I both carry a rare recessive gene for this condition. Wierd. I wonder what side of the family it came from. I'll never know.
Actually, no. In 20% of cases, it can cause problems with how a person's cilia function, causing problems with elimination of mucous from the system and infertility in males, but he does not have this.